Checkbox to keep camera CFrame after ending test

As a developer, it can be difficult to set up the camera right for tests, because the camera orientation is reset whenever I stop the test and I have to redo my modifications.

For example, I may want to get a good look at some particles that I spawn that will fly off-screen. Since I can only see the particles I want to have a good look at in run-time, I will constantly be re-adjusting the camera from scratch to get the right angle, which is inconvenient.

Moreover, think about the situation where you are watching some NPCs move through a map, and they get stuck on some geometry that you want to fix. You will stop the test mode, but this puts your camera all the way back where it used to be, rather than at the point where you stopped the test in order to fix something.

To solve these and other similar problems, I propose adding the option to keep camera orientation and not resetting it after run / play solo / etc ends.

Extremely cruddy picture and text detail to get the idea across:


A checkbox would be added to the Test frame in Studio. When this checkbox is unticked and run mode / play solo / etc is triggered and stopped, the camera would keep the orientation that it had at the moment the simulation is stopped (instead of resetting to the camera orientation before starting the test).

The benefit of this is that, if the developer wants, they can choose to keep the modifications to the camera and not having to redo these after the test ends.