Client Kills Wi-Fi Connection

First to note, I did make an earlier post asking about this same bug, but it wasn’t an official report. I really hope that someone will look into the bug as it is very destructive to the work on computer (plus my gaming).

I’ve finally got a screen recording of gameplay with the bug happening, around 10 minutes into the game. I know the video doesn’t yield very much evidence, but I just wanted to show that the bug randomly occurs in-game without warning or reason. Do note that my wi-fi is the Linksys11423 network, which would not have even shown up on the list if it had infact stopped transmitting.

To reiterate what I stated in my earlier post:

  • Bug did not occur until a year ago (around when I started playing games for fun again).
  • I have checked and reset my computer and router, both operate normally.
  • Nobody has tampered with my computer or router; router connection is strong and stable.
  • Bug occurs in various games, at any randomized time after joining. Sometimes it occurs very frequently (3 times per 15 minutes) and other times when it occurs rarely (once per 1 hour). I haven’t detected a pattern.
  • The bug is not influenced by any distinguishable client factors. Not even lag or game size.

I don’t know how many people complain to you about Combat Logging, but I am now.

EDIT: I know that this is ranting more about Apocalypse Rising and less about the bug, but the disconnections have been causing me to get combat logged even though I haven’t actually been shot or have shot someone. I don’t know if they’re directly related but i’m not very happy. Gus, if you could really look into this, please do.

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I experience this same issue (I will note, NOT with ROBLOX, this is being done to me by (presumably) using LAN software for other games.)

Our ISP sent a technician, and he said that something one of our computers is doing (probably mine) is causing the router/splitter to stack up errors, and once it’s stacked so many errors it decides to stop, clear them out, then reconnect you to the network (and fill it up with errors again)

Just wanted to let you know this incase it’ll be helpful on your end.

I can see what I could do to diagnose the problem, though i’m not sure where to start. I’ve tried to check my computer’s network and the in-game dev console, but nothing seems out of the ordinary when the bug strikes. Would you happen to know how I can diagnose my router to check if the problem is rooting there?

And as i’ve figured out, my own Motion Tracker testing game does incite the bug a LOT more often, so anyone might want to check it out for “anomalies”.

I just want to note that both of our issues could be completely different and have no resemblance to eachother, but I figure it sounds similar to me so I thought i’d tell you my experience.

We experienced this for several weeks on and off, our internet would randomly cut off (but the router would still be transmitting empty signal), and we’d have no connection to the internet. After about 5 minutes, the internet would reconnect for everyone in the house, and go off again soon after.

We called our ISP (Telus, a canadian network), and they sent a technician. He diagnosed the problem and could only tell me what was causing the internet to go down, not what was causing the problem. Since our computers are considered foreign hardware he basically said “The moment I try to diagnose what it is on your end, is when I start charging $100 an hour for my time”.

My computer, and the other gaming resident of my house are set up with our computers in the attic, which connect to a splitter in the middle room, which connects to the router on the stairs directly below us. 2 connections go into the splitter, which then send 1 whole connection to the base router. The technician said the error was only happening when both of our computers were connected with a solid line to the splitters simultanously, and as soon as one of us were unplugged it would stop.

He said that something one of our computers was doing was sending data or whatever through the splitter, and something in that data was causing the splitter to throw a constant group of errors, and once the errors reached critical mass, the splitter cut the connection so it could clear the errors. He saw these errors through the ISP’s software, so we never got to see what they were.

I personally first started seeing this happen when i used Gameranger to play Star Wars Empire at War with other people, it soon got to the point where if gameranger was connected to the network, it would shut off almost instantly. We later started using Tunngle, which made the occurence less common or instant, but it still happened. I have since been using Evolve, which has provided me with the least issues in all cases. This is really the only thing I can even imagine could be causing the issue.

And still, I don’t know, I have no way to diagnose what ever caused it, so I pretty much have no way of stopping it from happening. The Technician suggested it could be a virus (suggested this because the problem stopped for a series of weeks and started up again afterwards, showing the anti-virus’s inability to keep up with its evolution.)

I don’t know, you characterize your situation as being caused by ROBLOX, so that suggests to me it might be nothing like my problem. But do with this information what you will, it sure has given me a hell of a time. For all I know, ROBLOX could be causing it.

*Also note i’ve said splliter alot, to avoid confusion I would characterize it more as a hub that emits a seperate wifi signal that all of our computers plug into directly.

All the other devices in my house stay connected, it’s only my computer itself that’s affected. I’m nothing close to a network technician, so I can’t make any accurate statements about what I know. With the knowledge I do have, it seems to me that something within my system is disabling the wi-fi (if you watch my proof video, you can see my wi-fi turn off) instead of disconnecting me from the router or directly affecting the router. If it’s some kind of “internal cut-off system”, I wouldn’t really know. When I try to record gameplay with QuickTime to get video proof of the bug, it eats up a lot of my system’s speed, though also seems to lessen the frequency of the bug (which, in most cases, still happens regardless). I’m not sure if my computer itself is linked to the bug’s occurrences, but the signs do seem to be pointing in that direction. I know that not a lot of other people get this issue, so nobody has really guessed what’s causing it.

I can update to this topic if I need to, but for now i’m just sitting here complaining and being upset than I can’t play AR without being Combat Logged.

I found out why this bug is happening! At least, in Apocalypse Rising.

Apocalypse Rising uses a lobby system that teleports players into online servers. As opposed to the traditional Roblox server method, there is no detection as to whether or not a server is already full (the lobby has a Queue feature but it’s totally broken). I don’t know the exact details, but since players can still enter full servers, a player in the requested server is kicked out before the new player joins.

Apparently, whenever a player enters my server (and it’s already full), my client is always the first one disconnected - somehow taking my wi-fi with it. I don’t know if this is a technical error or some sort of cutoff system like I mentioned before.

I still feel like this is a bug with the client, but I reeeeally hope that @Gusmanak (also shouting out @WhoBloxedWho and @ZolarKeth for additional investigation and correction) plans on doing something to help stop this issue from happening, provided that it is the game’s own faulty scripting that has caused me to lose my progress numerous times. And yes, this is a valid claim against Combat Logging.

In case these help me get some form of compensation... ![|690x381](upload://cxG8lbSpHQKMVlkyMCiTy1BHHJB.png) ![|690x381](upload://uRmu6FOVpAgX65QNsoCUudk2IZT.png) ![|690x381](upload://mdjqFqtv7VfApxsanWBgrSGbPlE.png) ![|690x381](upload://9TVfqFRG2rlBxYA9SpiL6am76jK.png)

fyi keth is no longer working on apoc

i’m basically grabbing for straws at anyone who’s going to care to fix this issue. Gusmanak doesn’t seem interested, so I hope someone else on the team will be. Right now i’m a very disgruntled, combat-logged player.

I can take a look at the code but I’m 100% we do nothing to purposely cause disconnects on people, so that sounds like something roblox is doing?

As far as I’m aware the queuing system waits for the requested server to update a datastore containing the servers job id and player count, it isn’t suppose to attempt teleporting until it recognizes that there are player slots available. Again I’ll look into it, I’m not super familiar with that code so it’s totally possible that there is a bug growing in it.

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I’m merely pointing blame at the game for the buggy lobby/queue system, although I do believe it’s the game teleportation feature that’s been giving me real trouble. Since the system cannot accurately check if the server is already full, it allows the player to join it regardless, so the server is confused. At that point it decides to eject a player already in the game, and for some reason it has always been me first. It may be a part of the process though I highly doubt the client is programmed to disconnect the computer’s wi-fi in a situation like this.

As for the queue system, it is indeed broken. Further details:

  • Ability to join “full” servers instead of Queuing (although whether or not they were actually full, I have not recorded). What I assume is the root of this disconnection bug.
  • Sometimes trying to enter any server, including via the Play button (on rare occasions), queues you infinitely.
  • Additionally, the infinite queue bug may disallow you from joining any servers until you reenter the lobby game.
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I’m now getting this same issue. It seems to happen randomly in any game and ??? I’m not even on OS X which is interesting. Not sure if this is a ‘defo’ thing to happen in every game so when I get some freetime I’ll jump into a few

I’m getting similar to this as well?!

I’ve got full bars on my wifi and a stable connection.
I click Join and almost straight away my WiFi connection is lost and I have to close the ROBLOX player and wait a couple of minutes before it comes back?! :confused:


I should mention that the “Solution” was just a coincidental quirk with teleportation, so I do still get this bug on absolute random. I’ve even joined AR servers with as little as 4 players and was disconnected within a minute. If you guys are having the same issue, maybe we can try and uncover the pattern behind this bug.

Among my sea of “I don’t knows”, I’m not sure if this is the same bug that occurs on other PC’s. Other accounts of this issue seem to occur fairly differently from mine’s (Resync is not on a Mac, jjwood1600 gets the bug when clicking Join). If Staff could really try to help us draw a solution, that would be awesome. This bug doesn’t affect the majority of users, but it does exist and is troubling us few.

Yeah, to me it seems different :confused:

This happens to me on ANY game and only started recently happening.
(I’m on Windows 10 if that helps)

You can unmark as solved by clicking the solved button again

Gotcha. I’ll uncheck it for now, having realized that it’s not a solution to the real issue at hand.

It’s not a real pattern, though I have noticed that people also claiming this bug are all on Windows PCs. Being on a Mac, it’s good to know that it’s not just another Mac-native problem. I do believe that SOMETHING written into the client is disabling the computer’s wi-fi connections, so we should consider what could have access (or power) to turn it off without permission.

Hmm, the weird thing is that on the ODD occasion, the ROBLOX player starts the loading and I can see some of the map forming, but it never fully loads and the Wifi disconnects way before it is done.

The wifi kinda feels like its being ddosed as it goes very slow, then dies and then I have to wait a couple of minutes. I know the ROBLOX player isn’t ddosing me but that’s what it feels like :smiley:

I’m not sure if this is related but I also started getting this problem, but it wasn’t just on when using Roblox, it happens when I’m playing other games (Overwatch in particular) and even just browsing the web, it also happens when I’m using Team Create.

My ping visibly climbs to 650+, once even up to 1800, and it also kills all the devices on the wifi.

I’ve checked and it only happens when my computer is connected, and mine is the only one with Roblox on.

Flushing my DNS cache fixes the problem for about 5 seconds, then it’s back to how it was.

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Same here! I also try resetting my wifi adapter.

It’s very annoying ; (