Color3 properties do not take hexadecimal input correctly

When you input a value in a Color3 property in the form of “#RRGGBB” in the Properties window, the result will be in the range of 0-1 for each channel, but this is subsequently fitted into the 0-255 range. This means that you will get the wrong colors that are close to black.


If I fill in “#FF0000”, I expect the result to be “[255, 0, 0]”, but it will become “[1, 0, 0]” instead, which is nearly black while I wanted bright red. You can see that when I input CC for a channel it is rounded down to 0 as well.

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Was this ever a feature?

Well its obvious there is hexadecimal support since its taking hexadecimal values and the end result changes based on the hexadecimal value you put in. So there’s support, its just broken.

I guess when you do #AABBCC it actually divides the values by 255 and rounds them down.
(Since has a range of 0-1 but that studio thingy uses 0-255)

Yeah, like I mentioned in OP already.

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My brain could not comprehend your sentences 100%.
(It’s eeaaarly for me)
[size=10]13:00, but eh[/size]