Completely shutting down a server and making it inaccessible?

My game does lag quite a lot after running for a while, So I thought about shutting down servers after an amount of rounds, I tried kicking all players and making the server kick anyone who joins, but that wouldn’t remove the server from the list and people would just keep joining and getting kicked. Is there any way to completely close down a server?


A server with no players in it will shutdown momentarily (I don’t know the time but it’s probably not over 5m)

oh yea that.


I am kidding. But no, the only way you can close servers is from the shutdown server button on the game page. Roblox does the rest.


Almost believed that one gg.


Perhaps placing users to another game?

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That’s the same as kicking, what I’m seeking is shutting down one server completely that it gets removed from the servers list, but as other people have stated earlier, It’s not possible.

I haven’t tried it, but kicking all players and then crashing the server with while true do end may work?


Interesting… I didn’t think about this…

As Kamp has said- when a server is being crashed users cannot join it as it’ll be marked as “Slow Server”


You could just start an automatic teleport to a different place instance, that way even if the server still runs it’ll teleport them to another server anyway?

you should try to fix this instead of shutting down the server, it sounds like you have a memory leak


I would if I had a way to know the cause. Literally the moment the server starts it either starts laggy or smooth, just randomly and I don’t understand why.

I would focus more on addressing this lag issue and finding a fix for it rather than just working around it. It sounds like you have a memory leak somewhere in your code.

EDIT : I didn’t notice that others have already said this, hahah here’s to writing responses at 12:30 AM.