Contents of CoreGui not shown in studio

I set the CoreGui to be shown in the explorer in Studio’s ReflectionMetadata.xml because it’s useful to be able to:

  • Take a quick glance at how other plugins’ GUIs are organized
  • Get a copy of your own plugin’s GUI without having to insert your plugin as a model
  • Make quick modifications to GUI in the CoreGui on the fly to see how it looks
  • Visually check certain values in your GUIs to make sure they’re correct instead of printing them out
  • Delete GUIs and 3D adornments that weren’t properly deleted by plugins without having to reopen the place (e.g. delete the leftover hover selection box left over by the animation editor)

Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head and the instances where I’ve personally used the CoreGui, and now even though the CoreGui has children


-> 20

The CoreGui in the explorer appears empty

It’s probably not related to the explorer filter or a flag because if I open an older version of studio which has the explorer filter enabled because it was turned on with a flag, the explorer still shows the CoreGui’s children. Or maybe it is related to the explorer filter and while the older versions of studio might have the flag enabled, they don’t have the most up-to-date version of the explorer filter which hides the CoreGui.

I think you need to change your settings, the tab “Studio”, to show deprecated things and that level thing.
(I set it to “Studio”, although I didn’t notice any difference. Maybe it’ll matter here)

Nope – even doing that doesn’t make the contents of the CoreGui visible.

Like I said: I have no idea what those settings do, as I didn’t notice any difference.