Copyrighted/trademarked Assassins creed Logo?

I own a Assassins creed based Clan Group and Ive recently been extremely worried about using the Assassins creed logo for various reasons.


Few months ago a lot of rumors basically spread out across the entire AC community on Roblox about the Original logo Actually being copyrighted and that Roblox would quite litterally ban any group using this insignia. And it might sound ridicioulus yes. But everyone was talking about this for a While and huge Assassins Creed based groups replaced their logos because of this.

After making some research on it Ive found sources Saying that it is public domain But Ive also found sources Saying that ubisoft had a trademark on it But I can still use it as long as Im not using it for profit. Could this mean that I can’t have gamepasses at My places? Is there Actually a risk of My group getting moderated?

Please share what you might know of this ”copyright/trademark” topic overall or what you think I should do Since I really want to keep using this insignia.

Thank You

What sources are saying it’s public domain? They might be referring to the specific assets the sources are related to and not the actual assassin’s creed branding.

I think Ubisoft would be a bit dumb to not restrict usage of their logos and stuff, though, so generally speaking I think changing the logo is a good idea.

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It was a Fanwiki so probably not the most reliable source (Which is why Im quite uncertain about this)

It might get deleted, you won’t be banned for using it.


Huh, that’s weird

If I was you, I’d break out your creative self, (as that’s how you got in the Dev Forums, right?) and I’d get a logo idea, and if you can make it yourself, great. If not, hire someone else to make it. Show your creative potential, and it might just save you a lot of time and worry.

According to this Forum right here I do have right to use it as long as Im not making any profit out of it. But Does that mean I can’t use gamepasses at My place?

Most likely what I’ll do if Im not going to be able to use this logo, Thanks.

I’ve got nothing to do at the moment, if you’d like to PM me, I’d be happy to make one, free of charge. Just tell me what you’d like, I’ll try and replicate it.

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I don’t really know to much on the subject of the assassins creed copyright situation but I’d be careful on using other material of that nature as assassins creeds logo and name is trademarked if you do a little research on it I personally doubt they will do anything but it’s always best to play it safe with dealing with trademarks on Roblox for instance the PBB stuff that has taken down recently.
If you’d like more asstiance with copyright and Roblox and Trademarks/Copyrighted material there is a article on the wiki if you’d like to read it which is here

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Ubisoft forum:
commercial purposes (you aren’t selling anything for profit)

Clearly, if you have tied gamepasses to one of your group games or even clothing on sale, you are using the logo for commercial purposes (i.e. exploiting Ubisoft’s brand popularity to drive up sales of your games/clothes)

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