Could we have a CanvasGui

It would be a Canvas object that you could set pixels to, or bake Gui or perhaps parts onto: BackgroundColor)
Canvas.Bake(GuiObject/BasePart BakeInstance)
Canvas.SetPixel(Vector2 Position, Color3 Color)
Color3 Canvas.GetPixel(Vector2 Position)
Canvas.SetCanvas({Color3,…} PixelArray, Vector2 Size = CanvasSize, Vector2 Position = (0,0))
{Color3,…} Canvas.GetPizels(Vector2 Size = CanvasSize, Vector2 Position = (0,0))

The reason I started wondering about this, is it would be neat to make a game with a similar concept to “One More Line”. I also noticed that Tiny Tanks removed their tank tracks, presumably for efficiency reasons that baking the tank tracks into a canvas would have easily solved

If you’re worried about moderating something like someone uploading an entire image to it pixel by pixel, I would be fine with having the ability to just bake Gui into the Canvas (Though really, people can do pixel by pixel uploads now, this would only make it more efficient)


Definitely support.

ROBLOX already announced plans to implement a canvas-like element at RDC.



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It’s time to make my own shaders and particles and all the other stuff.

Nice, but can I get bake as well? I could do some neat stuff with the ability to bake images into a Gui, instead of needing to have separate objects for each image.

Bump because this didn’t get added to the trello? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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@Dummiez above linked to a trello card

That’s far different to what the thread is actually suggesting.

The original request was to simply draw/get pixels, but having said the trello feature would be more or less similar to Flash/HTML5 Canvas. It is far different because it is far better.

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No that’s something else. I want to change pixels on the screen, not draw stuff on the screen. You do realize the difference right? There is no way the other can be better than the other as their purpose is different.

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As long as we get transparency per-pixel, that’d be great.


If we could get pixel data currently on the screen, we wouldn’t need transparency but yeah, that’d be nice as well.

What you’re asking for was already in the Trello link, or this for another explanation.

Again, it isn’t guaranteed but it’s just one of other things you can do with said feature.

What? Link the card.

How’s that relevant?

“with said feature” guessing that you’re talking about what OP proposed, you can’t do that with the trello proposal which says “Vector graphics drawing UI” and “similar to Flash Graphics or HTML5 Canvas.”. So there most probably isn’t an ability to change pixels individually.



Reviving this feature request as I would love to have an instance for pixel manipulation such as this.

Some use cases I can think of off the top of my head are minimaps, 2D games (like a falling sand game for example), if we had a way to get the color of the pixels from the camera we could even create our own custom filters to go over the player’s view!

I’ve been messing around with a bunch of different things involving pixel manipulation and I know with an instance for that purpose people could create a lot of really cool things.


Oh boy, the amount of things I could use this for.

I’ll just leave a few:

  • Drop Shadows
  • Shapes without needing images
  • Custom implementation of a UIBlur using a LPF.
  • 2D Game Engine

On the inappropriate images argument, how many kids do you expect to know how the PNG, JPG or DDS formats work. I dont think a kid is going to manually map out the pixels for a 1920x1080 image.