Implement a Captcha when buying limited items

I can’t take buying limiteds seriously when they are instantly sold out from bots. When they are first made they don’t even appear at the top of the relevant category, so they are sold out before I even see them browsing the catalog. It’s absurd.

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still proud that i got #1 of a R$5k item and maelstronomer got #2, neither of us using bots

How would they lose revenue? At the end of the day the same amount of hats would be bought from ROBLOX at the same price. It just might take a minute rather than 5 seconds.

Because the botters will re-sell the hats for a higher price and the people that really want them will buy them for those higher prices. ROBLOX gets 30% of the transaction (and on top of that the buyers have to purchase the additional R$ too in some way at some time), et voilá. Not saying that’s good in any way, just explaining.


Would it be a solution if roblox’s official notifier includes limiteds? I’m fine with everyone knowing when a limited arrives, but putting a timer on it and giving everyone a chance to prepare doesn’t feel thrilling at all.

Not knowing when something comes out is one of my favorite things about…well, limiteds!


Yes and no. The people that want to be notified for every limited that comes out already have notifiers installed – push notifications would certainly be better since it means there’s no need for 3rd-party software, but for those that don’t want to be pinged every time an item comes out and don’t have notifiers installed, it would be too annoying to enable push notifications for items and they’d still miss out on things they might like.

Maybe a timer delay before buying is enabled isn’t the best solution, but neither are push notifications. Anyone who isn’t interested in every single hat that comes out will almost always miss out on limited items because they find out about them too late. Is your issue with a timer that you’d see the item long before being able to buy it? What if ROBLOX had a countdown to the release of limited items, but one that didn’t specify which items? Would that still be exciting?

It would be amazing if the new push notification system included when new limiteds came out.

It would certainly make things a lot more exciting! (if they manage to hide it from rbxleaks :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s substantially more resource intensive to run a Roblox client instead of a bot, and you have to keep sending unique input to the client to keep from going AFK and disconnecting.

You could always make an empty place so the client takes as few resources as possible, but in general I don’t think many people will want a client running in the background 24/7.

However, during special events this could be a legitimate issue, assuming that this method becomes necessary in the first place.

I have 3 spare laptops and a desktop that I can have bots on and run ROBLOX. I imagine a fair amount of people have at least one spare computer, and if you’re not using your computer you can always set it to bot mode, so I don’t think relying on “let’s hope there’s not too many botters” is a good plan.

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You can’t dismiss people having faster reflexes than you as “this limited was botted!”

My ROBLOX+ notifier went off right on time and I managed to get #32 of the Duchess of the Federation without any troubles - and I even hesitated because I saw the 60 stock.

Yet, CAPTCHAs can be “bypassed” by programs as death by captcha (or so). They require some small fee but I am sure that some LMADers wouldn’t mind a cent or two.

That’s because you got lucky, I have the R+ buy button and it just gave me purchase failed notifications (probably due to it being overloaded) before the sold out notification. Either way, buying via notifications is another thing that is annoying and should be removed via this Captcha request.

I’ve seen shed post an argument to this, saying he encourages botting because it “promotes learning coding.” In my opinion, I think using that as an argument is quite flawed. For one, a lot of people don’t know how, and to learn to make a bot is not worth the effort, even to people who dedicate their time to limiteds. I mean you hear about bots being sold all the time so clearly it’s not helping, but rather adding to the violation of using real money with other users to buy roblox-related-stuff rule. Secondly, using that argument means you’re pushing for developers and coders to pretty much take over other aspects of ROBLOX. We already see a ton of complaints from users about roblox being “all about devs,” and while most of the complains is just whining, this would bring more reason to it. Wanna make a game? Learn to code. Wanna buy limiteds and earn mass profit? Learn to code. Regular users don’t want to hear more of this, like “Wanna make clothing for your characters? Learn to code. Wanna use any other basic feature of the site? Gotta know coding to be sucessful.”

Of course this a bit of a stretch but you get my point. It takes away an aspect of ROBLOX for regular users who don’t want to become developers, and love other parts of the site and platform. People play ROBLOX and want to remain regular users. People dedicate their time to designing clothing. People dedicate their time do making games, and people dedicate their time to the virtual economy. Supporting making bots just disencourages users from using the limiteds aspect of the site. (I used to be super into limiteds, and the only way I got successful was via new limiteds, not from trading a ton.)


ROBLOX+ doesn’t notify everybody at the same time. Rather, it seems it loops through everybody who has the extension and notifies them. Leaving quite a big gap between the first person notified and the last.


why do I even need to have a 3rd-party extension in order to be able to buy ROBLOX items in the first place


I know what you mean, but, disregarding fixing bots, there’s no way to ensure that everyone has a chance to buy a limited when it comes out. The people who are quickest will always be the ones to get the hat, and the people who are the quickest are the people with hat notifiers.

With ROBLOX’s new notification system (which I’m pretty sure they said they’ll be adding catalog notifications to), 3rd-party hat notifiers won’t be an advantage anymore. I assume ROBLOX’s own notifier will be faster and more efficient, too.

The issue isn’t that people have faster reflexes. It’s that I’m finding out that the item exists four hours after it’s gone off-sale. This fixes that:

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Yeah, I liked that idea. Assuming they can keep what item it is from being leaked, as maplestick said.

But the built-in ROBLOX notifier would also fix this issue, no? Assuming everyone who wanted to be notified was, and at the same time. Without the need for a 3rd-party add-on.

No, it would not. I’m not going to opt-in to be interrupted every time a ROBLOX item comes out just so I can catch a limited every once in a blue moon that I might like.

Don’t see how this is an issue in the first place. If you don’t want the surprise to be spoiled, then don’t look at the leaks.

I would rather see two things happen:

  • An account setting for being notified of catalog sales
  • Most limiteds sold on a timer rather than by quantity

These two changes would level the playing field by giving all users with sufficient robux a chance to purchase the item.