Moon phases and colors (edit: or just changeable texture!)

Moon phases and colors for the Sky object or Lighting service?

Writing this as I’m looking out the window at the blood moon / total lunar eclipse.


moon & sun textures!

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[quote] Or:

moon & sun textures! [/quote]

Textures would be better: I could set the texture of the moon to be as if it was split in half or something. All for awesomeness, of course.

I asked for moon/sun textures ages ago. I don’t know why it didn’t happen, really. :confused:

Because priorities and time management. Yes, this feature would be cool, but there are probably way more important features that aren’t yet implemented and which should be worked on.

Because priorities and time management. Yes, this feature would be cool, but there are probably way more important features that aren’t yet implemented and which should be worked on.[/quote]
You can change them locally in content folders; I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to make it get icons online as well.

There should be a skybox overhaul. It’s quite possible to implement moving clouds, auroras, etc. with minimal overhead