MouseButton1Click and MouseButton1Down events not properly firing on mouse clicks on my laptop

I am using a Sony VAIO VPCEH37FX model laptop, running windows 10.

The issue is that whenever I try clicking a certain imagebutton in my game, the connected MouseButton1Click event doesn’t properly fire.

The event strangely seems to work fine when I changed it to MouseEnter, however, which leads me to believe this is a bug.
Also, the exact same game works perfectly as intended on my desktop computer.

Here is a link to the game for reproduction purposes:

Steps that I took for this bug to occur:

  1. Press and hold the ‘C’ key on the keyboard to open the crafting menu
  2. Click any of the buttons on the menu
  3. Nothing happens

Is this using your trackpad or mouse?

Using a trackpad.

On further testing, it actually appears to be a system wide thing on my laptop…?
When I hold down a key and click (outside of roblox) it also doesn’t work.

No clue how I would turn it off, though. Fiddling with trackpad and mouse settings seems fruitless - I might have to start digging into registry flags…

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