New Chat System Now Live!

Hm - I’m just wondering why it’s not pcall’ed? Surely, error feedback is good, but not expecting 3rd-party APIs to error may not be desireable.

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I would love for the parts of the chat that can’t be interacted with to not absorb mouse clicks. Is that a possibility?


blog post up with new chat details (

of course, still working through all the bugs. more great stuff coming soon.


it’s also got a link to some great documentation and manuals from @Maximum_ADHD and @UristMcSparks

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This has been present and reported since June, still no fix :confused: Extremely obnoxious and close to gamebreaking sometimes.

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Looking into this now. I think it should be possible.


Got a few chat updates:

  • The parts of the chat that can not be interacted with should no longer steal mouse clicks.
  • You are now able to override ChatModules or ClientChatModules without the defaults no longer being inserted. There is a new boolean value in these folders to toggle if the default modules are inserted or not.
  • Blocking a user in the player list will now block them in the chat.
  • A bunch of bug fixes.

Coming Soon TM:

  • Bubble chat will be part of the new chat system and developer customizable.
  • Chat.LoadDefaultChat will be turned on then so you can completely turn off the default chat.


So close yet so far away. It’s unclickable and unscriptable.


Probably waiting for mobile to catch up. Give it 2 weeks.

It’s actually a server only change. The reason it has not been turned on yet is we are moving BubbleChat into the new chat system, so games that use Chat:Chat() would break if they turned off LoadDefaultChat. Once the new BubbleChat is shipped, this will be enabled. It will hopefully be next week.


A few chat updates shipped today!

  • Bubble chat is now part of the new chat system and developer customizable.
  • Chat.LoadDefaultChat is now turned on. You can use this to completely turn off the default chat if you use a custom chat system. Sorry for the wait on this, it was blocked by the release of the new bubble chat.
  • The chat now uses Chat:CanUserChatAsync() to determine if two users can chat or not. If your chat privacy settings are set to NoOne, you will not have a chat bar and the chat will be minimized by default. You will still be able to see system messages.

Is this live for iOS users/When will this go live for iOS users? People are complaining that they can’t chat, and I don’t know if it’s my code or what

Same here. I notice the mobile app was updated today (presumably to add support for the CanUserChat functions), but was everyone forced to download the update?

We are looking into this now.

iOS is being force upgraded right now. This issue should be resolved soon.


There’s an error with the new BubbleChat.

local chatConstants = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatConstants"))
AllowedMessageTypes = {ChatConstants.MessageTypeDefault, ChatConstants.MessageTypeWhisper}

It uses “ChatConstants” when it should be chatConstants. Line 677

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Thanks for the report. Was this happening in a game or did you just open the script in studio and notice it?

In-game. It was spamming my Google Analytics (thousands of errors)