I’ve been getting alot messages of people not being able to see their players on mobile. I use custom characters, and from what they described it’s them not seeing the unioned parts of the character. Basically any CSG parts don’t load onto their devices.
I couldn’t get a repro of this problem on my IPhone6, but one of the devices someone said they were having issues was on a Samsung J3 Emerge.
An example someone sent me (The character they are using is made of unioned parts, and the dinosaur they’re looking at has only the unioned parts not rendering):
Unions usually appear, you just need to wait for it. Sometimes it takes long, sometimes not, depends from the device you’re using. Im not 100% sure this is the case here, but they would probably appear if waited more.
I have been getting several reports of the same problem. My game does not include CSG characters, but uses Unions elsewhere in puzzle and map elements. Certain portions of the game are unplayable on these mobile devices.
Have you guys only been getting there reports very recently (as of Wednesday Morning)? We’ve found the problem but are trying to narrow down how it happened.
I also experienced this with Union objects within my game. I play on a high-performance PC, but my Internet connection is very bad most of the time. I wonder if the Union fails to load, and then gives up on retrying?
EDIT: Oof, I did not notice this post was 2 years old. The problem seems to be back for some of my players. (I don’t know their devices.)