Petition to actively moderate titles designed to go around the 15 character limit

I have noticed there is a trend of users actively circumventing the 15 character title requirement. This is a feature of Discourse—circumvention hurts everyone’s RBXForum experience. If someone can’t write a 15 character title, then their title is too generic, or their post needs more content. The lack of descriptive titles also makes scanning the forum harder. Active moderation on violating posts will solve this.

Indeed, Jeff Atwood, agrees—intervention on behalf of the mod team is required is suggested to stop circumention (Shoutout to @EchoReaper for this feedback) .

I’m asking the moderators of this forum to moderate posts that intentionally violate the 15 character requirement. Moderators would:

  • Ask for a title change
  • Remove or lock the post if this does not happen
  • Warn users if they continue to repeat this behavior

Would it be easier if moderators changed the titles ourselves or asked the users to do it?

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Having moderators change the titles themselves or asking the users to do so is preferable to no action. However, asking users to change their title means the user knowing to write descriptive titles. Thus, moderators should ask for a title change, and, if no action is taken, lock the post.

A majority of users should comply with a moderator request.


If you change it yourself, the offenders will never learn.

It’s better to lock the thread with a reply to change the title, and then unlock it when the offender has changed it to something more suitable.


Good point, I agree. I think for first time offenders I’m going to do it for them, and then PM them explaining it and asking them to not do so in the future.


It’d also be good to either sticky this thread or make and sticky a thread explaining why you need to have good titles and what happens if you don’t

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In my opinion, there also shouldn’t be exceptions:


I actually would like more descriptive titles, makes browsing a little nicer.

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That title could have easily been “Planned 2.0 Avatar”, so yes - staff should not be at all an exception. They are setting the example.

You two agree.