Release Notes for 330

Notes for release 330


Using debug.traceback now adheres to the behavior specified for Lua 5.1:

Namely, it takes an optional coroutine argument whose trace will be returned. If no coroutine is provided, the trace of the calling coroutine will be returned (as happens currently). An optional message argument will be pre-pended to the trace. If a message argument is provided, a level argument can also be provided, specifying how far back in the trace to report from.

Wasn’t this always the case, just not documented? I was recently doing something trying sandbox and debug module functions. I was using someone else’s code though.

Why was CylinderMeshes deprecated, despite its use in a huge amount of games?


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added 'deprecated' tag to Property GuiObject.Draggable
Added Function Plugin.Deactivate
Added Function Plugin.IsActivated
Added Function Plugin.IsActivatedWithExclusiveMouse
Added Function UserInputService.IsGamepadButtonDown
Added 'deprecated' tag to Event GuiObject.DragBegin
Added 'deprecated' tag to Event GuiObject.DragStopped
Changed value type of GuiBase2d.RootLocalizationTable from Instance to LocalizationTable

Are we expected to write our own drag code now?


Unclamp ZIndex to allow values less than 1



Nice, will make r15 obbies much more easy to implement. Also, i know the huge wings on the Crimson Claw and possibly other packages got removed because of their huge hitbox, are those ever coming back now that we have can can have standardized r15 hit/collision boxes ?

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