Hi there!
In studio, the salt terrain looks fine but in game it looks very strange!

Anyone else experienced this?
I’ve spoken to a friend of mine and its not happening to him
EDIT: I’m on Windows 10 with GTX 960 graphics card.
Hi there!
In studio, the salt terrain looks fine but in game it looks very strange!
Anyone else experienced this?
I’ve spoken to a friend of mine and its not happening to him
EDIT: I’m on Windows 10 with GTX 960 graphics card.
whoa, what a strange glitch
Wow that is really weird.
I used to have something very similar happen on my laptop but with water(only blue-scale glitching though). No idea if that was fixed. Hopefully it has and hopefully this is!
That’s be a no:
(It’s much better than it was but still pretty bad)
What’s the laptop specs/OS?
I don’t fully understand what is happening here - seems like potentially the sky reflections are busted but object reflections are working fine. Can you check if this happens in Studio, and if it does post a screenshot of water and a part with Reflectance=1?
Little off topic, but it looks like my pants that I wear.
This problem occurred before I got Windows 10 as well. I haven’t played much on my laptop recently but I think it was worse with Win7 and Vista. Seems to be fine in studio. If there is no easy fix for this, don’t worry about it. I know I am definitely a minority especially since I’m running Roblox on such an old and outdated laptop. Everything with water is fine on my desktop PC.
Yeah, sure!
1. Salt in studio:
After more testing I found this…
Yet others (water, grass, sandstone) seem to be fine:
If you need any more details, I’m happy to help!
So strange!
It appears the new materials all materials do not render correctly in thumbnails either:
The place :
What you’re describing is a different bug, a fix will ship after NY:
Could you upload this to ROBLOX? I wanna see this for myself
The odd thing is… it doesn’t happen for everyone as I stated in one of my posts above!
Yeah it is not happening for me on any quality setting.
Also Win 10, i5-4960K, 750Ti.
On the most up to date ROBLOX builds as far as I can tell.
So strange!
Does it happen for you in client on all quality levels?
Do you have “Graphics Mode” in Studio Rendering settings set to Automatic?
This is kinda bizarre.
Yes [quote=“zeuxcg, post:18, topic:31964”]
Do you have “Graphics Mode” in Studio Rendering settings set to Automatic?
Tried it with Automatic and manually setting it, and its always fine in studio!
So strange!
Hmm. It just occurred to me that the texture files are not shared between Studio and Client and it’s theoretically possible they are corrupted…
Can you try: