Studio layout saving

The ability to save studio window layouts and switch between them with the click of a button. Not a lot to the idea really, but I could see it having a lot of productivity bonuses. Having a more building or scripting focused layout would in my opinion be a lot more friendly than having a hybrid of windows open all the time hogging screen space.

Simple idea, not sure how easy it would be to actually produce, but it sure would make reorganizing studio windows for different tasks a heck of a lot easier.


I would imagine this to be like the visual studio or adobe products have with a dropdown button to switch between presets


Throw in exporting and importing layouts while you’re a it.


I was about to make a thread for this when I remembered I had already done so… Seriously, how about another try at suggesting this. It would be an insanely useful feature.


If I remember when I get into work tomorrow, I’ll shoot this to someone who can do something about it.

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I’d love to see manual saving. Studio feels the need to save three different layouts for my games, and for some reason it always opens so many windows that it breaks past the constraints of the window and into the command line. It also feels the need to omit the game explorer and the toolbox, which to me, makes no sense.
Layouts also change depending on the place I’m in as well, if I’m in the test place, everything loads fine, however, if I go to the building place, Studio loads built-in plugins and windows that I hardly ever use. To be frank, I really don’t want to fix my layout every time I open a studio window anymore. :confused:


Support! Sorry for the bump, but having the studio layout save whenever it crashes or exiting out or having separate places open would be beneficial for me and many other developers on Roblox Studio who need this a lot.

As a developer who’s been working inside and with studio for four to six years, I can say that it has been difficult and stressful having my tabs not save or the layout look funky should be saveable onto studio and not depend on us users/developers to scale and move them properly on one of the sides where tabs belong to.

For the past two months or so, I had to deal with losing connection and having studio close automatically with a lot of tabs open such as RopeMaster or the Terrain Editor and a lot of tabs from the left side or right side that turn small and hard to close and shift over to one side to another, having the tabs autosave the layout of our tabs would be pretty helpful and beneficial at the same time so when you exit a game or shift to another game you don’t have to worry about minimized tabs that turn into clunks from plugins and such. With that being said, whenever I open up studio after a crash or to work on something on a normal day, it sometimes have random tabs opened or tabs squished together which doesn’t comfort me a lot.

^ A good example of this has to be the image Fifkee provided above me, had that happen multiple times in a good span of my development.


I know this is an old forum, but the problem still persists.
I’ve setup my Roblox Studio layout just how I like it, but every time I reopen studio I have to go thru a routine of setting half of it back up again. For some reason It only likes to save my setting some of the time, and some of them seem not to save at all.

Saving a custom layout would appear to be inconsistent and thus seems buggy.


Same here, this problem is super annoying


I also would like to see this feature :+1:


Gonna have to bump this here instead of making a newer feature request, since it’s pretty much the exact same thing on my mind.

While were at it, test player/server in Studio should have its own window layout…




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@MeshOfPaul could you take a look at this?


Yes… but let’s get the docking layout more stable and easier to use, first!


I don’t know what Roblox’s plans are with this, but if I can say only 1 thing that would seriously drastically improve my development workflow, it’d be this.

I can’t stand Roblox randomly messing with layouts every time I play test. It’s so annoying to start test servers with 2+ clients when 90% of the screen is covered with panels.

It would be awesome if we could customise layouts and save them for different things. For example, a layout to load when play testing, or a layout to load for server and client.

I would love if I could start test servers with multiple clients and have each client studio application look like the Roblox Player.

It would also be extra cool if when these test clients open up, they would get resized to fit the screen accordingly. Something similar to how old-school games handled split screen. It’s annoying having to keep moving windows around and resizing them just to start testing something.

I’d love to know what Roblox’s plans are on this. :slight_smile:


The plan is:

First ensure this new docking system fits most creator needs and resolves the stability issues. We are working on a update to the current Beta version that I think will resolve the few folks that had preferred layouts that the V1 couldn’t support. Hopefully autohide can come back too. We are already confident it fixes the corruption issues that started all of this.

Second get the new Next Gen Studio UI Core released. This will provide the UI needed to do customization and saved layouts.

That puts us into the second half of this year (if all goes well) so that gives the design team some time to start thinking about what a multi-layout Studio might look like. But having different layouts per mode seems totally reasonable to me.


Hey Paul,

Thank you so much for the quick and clear response.

Having been part of the initial 1:1s for the new Next Gen Studio UI Core, I am definitely excited to see all the amazing new features and stability improvements.

I think the plan as you’ve stated is brilliant, thanks for sharing more info about that. Looking forward to the end of this year lol :sunglasses:


You’re telling me this isn’t already a feature, its so frustrating when you have to reposition all your layout windows or whatever you want to call them.

I never used to be bothered about it so much, but when it comes to Roblox studio opening pretty much every plugin I own and every default plugin, its a nightmare, I have even thought of making a plugin that handles this, by disabling all open plugins, and putting, say for example the explore and properties window where you saved them, but not sure if that would be possible at all.

Please add this Roblox!!

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Do you have the “Updated Docking” Beta Feature turned on?

There’s been a few occasions where changes we have made have required the layout to be reset back to default but we’ve been trying to keep those to a minimum. Since we are still actively developing the new docking system there may also be bugs (which is why I ask if you have the Beta Feature activated)

Our goal is to reliably save your window layout however you leave it. However one thing we don’t have total control over is how plugins are restored… there are some plugins that purposely ignore your visibility preferences and will always appear on start up (3D Text is a good example of this)

Thank you for replying, I do have it enabled, I have Auto-Enable Beta Features always on, I love to explore and see what’s new!

I understand now why it resets, thank you!

If it helps improve the reliability of it – I would suggest some how making it so it isn’t laggy, I have a decent computer, but the Dock System lags Roblox Studio when it shows all the available Docking places.

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