Team create rotational values changing slightly after reloading

So I am currently working on a game with @InsanelyLuke and @Pyrolysis using Team Create, but this has proven to be a highly annoying and tedious experience at times. (We straight up lost the entire place one time when it randomly reset whilst we were in it) But the issue at hand here has to do with slight differences in rotational (& I assume positional values but I’m mainly focused on rotations as that’s whats screwing our roads) of parts changing upon reloading the team create place.

This is before we leave the team create place, all good.

And here’s the rotations of the road before leaving team create. All good and as they should be.

Now here’s where it gets bad, after reloading the team create place, everything gets ruined. Every road is now slightly off on its rotation and it causes big issues.

And here’s the new messed up rotations… Even this little bit causes a NOTICEABLE lip in the adjoining roads. This is unacceptable.

I have tested, this issue is not present when uploading and reloading the place as non team create.

And yes, after checking this has affected EVERY SINGLE part in our game.

This is not cool, this has ruined our hard work two times now. (We originally redid the roads after we thought we were the ones who made the mistake)


I made a script/plugin not too long ago that fixed slight offsets on non-rotated parts. I think I did rotation as well as position, though I’m not sure on that.

Been a while since I looked at the code, but it might save you some time for when Roblox does fix this, instead of re-doing everything manually.

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I ran into this a few months ago. I just shrugged it off as studio glitching out. Now looking back I think I was in team create making some stuff with a friend. I didn’t have a plugin to fix it so I manually went in and changed all the rotations and positions back to normal :frowning:

Yeah, I thought it was just studio being funny at first too. This is most certainly something more though and hope it gets fixed soon as it’s really messing with our game in the looks department. :frowning:

This is part of the reason I’m avoiding team create for now as I know that it will drive me nuts to see those rotations and positions all the time. Also the fact that if you have a script open and you lose connection you can lose the entire script (had this happen to me). So yeah, it’s a cool feature but it’s not stable enough for me to trust it yet. Once the script saving and rotations get fixed, then I’ll think about using it.

Oh wow, this is really gross :frowning:

Is there any chance that you used RunService while you were building? I know the Animation plugin uses RunService to show animations.

If not, do you know if this happened from over an extended period of time, or if this happened all at once?

Are those parts all anchored? Do they use surface welds? Manual Welds?

I agree. This is terrible. We need to figure out what is going on, so any more information you have would be appreciated.

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By the sounds of it, OP’s issue (offset on reload) is different from this, but the Studio tools cause loss of precision over time: Rotating an object sometimes rotates by less than 90*

Yeah, this imprecision is not just a problem with Team Create, although I’ve never noticed a normal place have weird rotations after loading. That being said, almost every brick in my entire city has horrible, slightly off rotations.

Thanks for getting back to me.

We did use the animation editor one or two times to create some stuff, so yes.

This happens all at once, but only after reloading the place. (For my placed parts)
It gets weird here because while the parts I am editing/placing appear good until the game is reloaded, others in the team create see the slight imperfections in the rotations without having to reload when I am the one editing them. The same applied the other way around.

All parts on the map are anchored.
No welds on the map parts that are having issues.

Perhaps the positions are stored as doubles/ints on the RAM, but when they get saved or sent over the network, they are all translated to floats, and lose their precision then?


Bump. Hoping we can get some more info on whats going on with this… It has forced me to have to write code that runs client side when the player joins that fixes all the parts rotational values before they can play. Craziness. :confused:

We’re working on a potential fix for this. I’ll update when it’s finished and released.