Teleporting is broken on iOS (Small devices)

On latest version of Roblox on iOS (2.264.89370 released on Oct 14th), teleporting does not seem to work on small devices.

It works fine on my iPad Mini 2 and iPad Pro (9.7"), but on my iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 5 it does not seem to work. They are all on the latest version from the App Store.

I have tried teleporting from both the client and the server, and neither work.

Repo: TeleportingBug 10-19.rbxl (12.7 KB)


Does calling :Teleport on the client, rather than the server make any difference?

I’ve tried both. Neither work.

cc @darthskrill

There is a fix in progress for this. It will either be fixed tomorrow or with the next client release for iOS. I need to investigate further if I can turn on some code that will fix this, but potentially break other features.

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This is still broken on the latest iOS release (2.265.91736 released on October 28th)

We unfortunately had to re-release the same client version due to a sign up bug. We have a version with the fix in the works for submission to apple. Sorry for the inconvenience. We now have tests setup that block releases when teleport is broken, so moving forward this will not be an issue.