Texture Generator [Beta]

It's an improvement but it is sometimes pretty bad (Texture different for example), hope it gets even bigger improvements.


Hey @SergeantHippyZombie! Yes, this will work for a meshpart which has no UV map, or a UV map in any condition, for that matter. As long as “Smart UV Unwrap” is checked, a new UV map will be applied. But you’re right, this will result in a new MeshID once you generate a texture, since the UV map has been changed.


it will help 0 creators because you arent creating if you use AI


When trying this out, I noticed that the generated result looked significantly different compared to the preview window. Is this one of the current limitations?


Woah this is really cool!
It’s definitely going to be useful for background objects and stuff you don’t get very close to!


This seems like the most likely cause for the lower quality compared to the preview


I only textured 4-5 items and I ran out of previews even though I didn’t switch anything up, and just used the first preview that got generated.

it does seem like it’s consuming more previews than it feels like i’m using…claims 25 when it feels like I generated at most 10 or so. Wonder if it’s double counting?

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Don’t quite remember the prompt and for whatever reason the previews didn’t save but here is the obj.
richhouse.obj (472.6 KB)

It has already helped so many - “Creating” is a subject of getting an output and this tool is big win for the entire industry’s development

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it doesnt “help” creators any more than it helps anyone else because you arent creating by using AI. it DOES benefit “developers” who dont care about what their game is as long it makes the most money possible (which is, unfortunately, seemingly most roblox developers today)

This is gonna be epic. Someone is probably making a clone of google earth using this.

I am fervently against this sentiment. I won’t argue on the semantic level of whether using an AI generator is ‘creating’, that hardly matters. What does matter is that this tool lowers the barrier for entry for creating interesting visuals, thereby inspiring more fledgling creators to pursue game development. Texturing is hard, and can overwhelm and discourage new developers. This tool allows them to focus on learning other aspects of development that they’re more passionate about without having to compromise nearly as hard on the visuals of the game. The people using this will predominantly be those who would otherwise have either used flat coloring or given up. This takes nothing from people who are passionate about texturing, and it absolutely does nothing to lower the quality of games on the site.


Personally I believe this could be really cool… although, has anyone tried getting a basic sphere MeshPart and typing “Earth” into the generator? I’m curious to see how accurate it is. :thinking:


Please stop wasting development hours on this useless garbage. It’s already bad enough seeing AI thumbnails, I don’t need to see a game made with amalgamated assets too


Is it already in assistent?

This is a cool Update! Also glad that Roblox is getting ethically sourced training data too.

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ABSOLUTE game changer!

just tried a few of my models and wow it did a great job! Literally couldn’t have done some of them any better- now increase the limit and my most time consuming part of 3D modelling could bite the dust!!

Bravo Roblox team!

Original basic mesh:

then asked AI for ‘ancient rock with moss and ancient rock steps’


I honestly don’t know how to feel about this. I feel like I am being replaced and going onto Twitter is constantly validating that… but we shall see.


While allowing younger developers with less skills to bring their ideas to life is a valid point, the main concern here is that why should any game developer hire another creator to model & texture assets for them again when they can press 1 button to generate it all for them?

Of course, there will be studios & developers who admire + hold merit for hand-crafted and specifically creator-designed assets to perfectly tailor an art style, but for the average game that is developed to pull in a profit you can completely skip hiring other developers for that stage.