[TRC] The Tomb of Velarus Rules


Here are the rules both the Collective and Celvestians shall acknowledge in order to have a legitimate and decent raid/defense.

  • Only Retruvian Velarus and up can host defenses.

  • For an official raid there must be 10 Collective present to defend.

  • For an official raid there must be 5 Celvestians present to raid.

  • 1 hour raid limit (4200 seconds total which is 1 hour and 10 minutes. The 10 minutes is for the Collective to rally up for the defense).

  • Message an HR 10 minutes before you raid.

  • To win for Celvestia: You must capture the Essence Orb Lever and hold it for 1200 seconds to win.

  • The Collective win when there’s less than 5 Celvestians left AND/OR when the server raid limit has been reached AND/OR when the Collective reach 1200 seconds.

  • If the raid limit reaches 1 hour and the Celvestians still hold the terminal then we will go into overtime. If the Collective recapture the terminal in overtime then the Collective wins.

  • No Glitching of ANY sort, there are no loopholes here. NO GLITCHING.

  • If there’s a server that is official and active and multiple servers are formed following the first servers creation, the Collective has the right to shut down the other servers if deemed unofficial for over 3 minutes considering the first server (the official one) is what the Collective will be aiming for. Here’s an Example: Vaktovia raided Celvestia in a 28 player server, JC and VE (whom didn’t warn us at all) invaded, forming a second server. They broke three rules automatically: No pre-flooding, no ESR, and they did NOT warn an HR 10 minutes beforehand. Since Celvestia/Vaktovia were aiming for the first server, no one went to the second one because the first server was the agreed upon one. So basically what I am saying is: We have the right to shutdown unofficial servers.

  • Do not flood the server right after you message an HR (with them NOT approving the raid/defense). What I’m saying is don’t message the Collective HR and then raid a few minutes after where the Collective are not present still (you need the HR to validate the raid/defense), you must message them back saying, “Where are you? We are waiting at your base, it’s been 10 minutes. Are you able to defend?” If they don’t reply then they’ve most likely gone offline or are busy in-game. If they reply saying “We can’t defend.” Please ask them “How come?”, usually it’s because of timezone difficulties.

  • Exploiting and hacking deems the raid invalid and the server will be immediately shutdown. This shouldn’t be much of a problem since the base is FilteringEnabled.

  • No uniform raiding, example: don’t raid the Collective while wearing a Collective uniform. Wear your clans uniform with pride!

  • Keep flaming to a bare minimum, you have 2 chances. Repeat offenses will result in a ban.

  • NO PROFANITY. I am very strict with this rule. No warnings.

  • No spamming. If the same person repeats a specific phrase over 3 times they will be kicked.

  • You are not allowed to help the Celvestians raid OFFICIALY (Meaning if a clan is raiding the Collective, not the actual Celvestian group itself) while you are a Collective unless permitted by a Collective Velarus+, otherwise you can’t raid with them. Punishment is severe due to this being considered betrayal.

  • Raid cool down is 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you may raid again. Just be sure to warn the Velarus+ 10 minutes beforehand. This differs during wartime.

  • No Auto-wins. I can’t stress how important this rule is. How you win: Capture and hold the Essence Orb Lever till 1200.

  • Harassment and abuse is NOT allowed at all.

  • When the raid begins, PLEASE present a valid picture/video with 10+ Collective and 5+ Celvestians present, otherwise your victory is invalid and ignored.

  • Your victory picture MUST include the leaderboard with the Collective team shown fully, otherwise it will be ignored.

  • For an official victory, PLEASE take a picture/video of the Essence Orb Lever at 1200 and the victory message with the full leaderboard of the Collective team shown and the raid code.

  • Spawn camping isn’t allowed since the spawns are small.

  • No spawn killing. If you are caught inside the spawning area you will be warned once then kicked. Repeat offenses result in a ban.

  • Do not kill Civilians and Foreigners! If you do so you will be kicked without hesitation, unless the civilian/foreigner is attacking you, in that case, defend yourself. Send a video/screenshot to a Velarus+ so that person may be removed from the server.

  • No Civilian raiding. First offense is a kick, second offense is a ban. If a whole clan Civilian raids or asks allies to Civilian raid, that clan will be kicked from the base, repeat offense is a permanent ban.

  • No Pre-flooding!

  • No Empty Server Raiding!


  • High ranks, do not admin abuse! You will be severely punished if you do so.

  • Do not kill Civilians/Foreigners or you will be kicked. Repeat offense results in a ban.

  • Do not raid the Tomb unless a Practice Raid is taking place. If caught breaking this rule you will be demoted and kicked. Repeat offense is a second demotion and ban.

  • Do not threaten your fellow Collective, allies, or even Celvestians. This applies to the no flaming or harassment/abuse rule.

We expect all of you to follow our rules. Failing to do so will result in consequence.

Signed by the Following:

  • TheCelvestian, Group Holder of TRC.
  • Forsaken_Replicated, Retorius of Retruvia.
  • MoonRequiem, Unovas of Retruvia.
  • Agreed upon by the Collective community.


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