UIGridLayout should automatically adjust the CanvasSize of a scrolling frame to suit it's needs

Okay, UIGridLayout is great, it’s only issue is that is does not change the CanvasSize of a scrolling frame it is a child of to suit the needs of the current grid. I feel like this is a missing feature which takes away from the ease of use the UIGridLayout gives to developers. As there is no way to tell how many elements are per row on a grid (as it can change if your UIs scale) then there is no way to accurately adjust the CanvasSize of the scrolling frame via script to suit the current grid.


Agreed, I thought that if I could just tell it to stick 20 items into a grid it would expand into a scrolling frame with the correct scroll size. It didn’t and so I went back to adding items to a grid manually and expanding the CanvasSize of the ScrollingFrame whenever I made a new row.

Making the UIGridLayout do this would be very useful.

I just finished up a feature which will do this, it’ll be out Soon™.


For future reference this is a client feature.

Easy sorting algorithm:
Does it still work if im ingame and not in studio?
Does it only happen in studio?

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Has this not been enabled yet?

I ended up replacing the fix I had before which was specific to scrolling frames, with one that works for all GuiObjects. This new fix is now working through the pipeline. It looks like I can enable it soon, but there are some platforms that aren’t on the most recent version of roblox yet.


Is this enabled yet? I’m having issues with scaling my UI properly with the UIGridLayout in a scrollingframe.


This is the Size From Contents feature. I’ve been working on it for a long time, and have been providing updates in that thread.


Can I have a link to the thread? Can’t find it via search. :confused:

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I linked it in my reply.

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My bad, didn’t see that (using a dark theme for the devforums, link text isn’t emboldened unfortunately).

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