[๐ŸŽ‰ 2.0.0] Rongo - MongoDB API Wrapper for Roblox

Only MongoDB Atlas is supported unless you provide an identical API for your own self-hosted instance (it does not need to be 1 to 1 as you can modify the API routes within the module if youโ€™d like)

As there are many free hosters using pterodactyl to give us the ability to use mongodb, I think itโ€™s even preindtalled. So will these work or not?

No as this module is not a MongoDB Driver, rather it uses the MongoDB Atlas Data API to connect to MongoDB Atlas clusters.

Anyone else having issues running requests with RONGO? Was working perfectly last night and now errors are popping up all over in game even if MongoDB returns โ€œOKโ€.

Interesting, can you send over reproduction steps and Iโ€™ll have a look into things, double check that you have HttpService enabled in studio and that youโ€™re using the correct URL for MongoDB.

Donโ€™t worry anymore, itโ€™s been fixed. Rongo is the only thing in my game that runs HTTPS Services and it seems that ROBLOX Servers canโ€™t even support more than 2 requests per second now. Itโ€™s been going to hell recently.

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