[EBR NOMINATION] Kubla Khan Hotel Showcase

In March of this year, I began what would be my biggest showcasing project to date. I’ve worked over 500 hours on-and-off within the past eight months on the Kubla Khan: a hotel/resort based off some architectural plans I’ve found from a scrapped 1970s Las Vegas development. The Kubla Khan is slated to contain 1,480 generated hotel rooms upon completion, as well as an expansive outdoor garden area, a casino (one that doesn’t promote gambling with real-world money of course), and majestic venues once the whole map is completed.

I’ve applied at least thrice to the EBR over the past three years - including once with this very showcase. With FIB fully released, I hope to show more players exactly how I intended the Kubla Khan to be built. My goal with this publication is to get as many people as I can to vouch for my building ability for acceptance to the EBR. Follows are some screenshots of the game in its current state; please note that despite my hours spent fine-tuning the details, much is still unfinished.


Nice game. I like the name, it sounds like it could very well be a casino. My avatar barely fits in the hallway and the rooms, I would suggest scaling the building to make it bigger or making the avatars smaller. Work on smoothing the terrain, change the hue of the river water, so it’s a lighter shade of blue, and maybe make the rivers a bit shallower. Add bubble chat and remove the mist coming from the vents. Change the trees too.

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I just read your reply. Funnily enough, I removed the mist and added bubble chat - but have neglected to replace the trees.

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Update: I replaced the trees 4 months ago.

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Bump because this is amazing wtf

I gotta admire your passion and the fact that you kept going for 3 years thats really good keep it up man

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I would say that there are too many parts because I thought this was an actual hotel and this is just a lobby unless I missed that part and there is a hotel with rooms?

Nevertheless the graphics look really good but do optimize if you can

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Hey. This actually is a hotel with rooms. Unfortunately, I hadn’t ever bothered to make a proper gameplay loop, so the process is confusing. You’re supposed to reserve a room at the front counter.

This hotel looks very good! I like the style of it. Nice job on this!

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