An easy to use module for playing and pre-loading animations.
Animations:GetTimeOfMarker(anim, marker) — Gets the time of an animation marker Animations:LoadAllTracks() — Pre-loads animations Animations:PlayTrack(path) — Plays an animation Animations:ApplyCustomRBXAnimationIds(table) — Overrides default roblox animations Animations:AttachAnimatedObject(path) — Animate tools easily
I am facing a problem where animations tend to take more time if it’s played first time, even if it’s already loaded with humanoid:LoadAnimation method.
This module would solve that problem. But more generally, you’d need to use game:GetService("ContentProvider"):PreloadAsync({animationInstance}} (found here).
Stay posted for an awesome enhancement. You will be able to specify AnimatedObjects that go with animation ids that automatically attach/detach themselves to/from the player/rig when the animation plays/stops (+ seperate functions to do it yourself).
TLDR: Animated tools/parts auto rigging/derigging themselves to/from the player/rig when certain animations play/stop.
You can now setup animatedObjects that can auto attach or auto detach from your rigs when specific animations play or stop.
Or just use the new methods Animations:AttachAnimatedObject()/Animations:DetachAnimatedObject() Animated objects tutorial