Animations | All-in-1 animation player and pre-loader for client and server



An easy to use module for playing and pre-loading animations.

Animations:GetTimeOfMarker(anim, marker) — Gets the time of an animation marker
Animations:LoadAllTracks() — Pre-loads animations
Animations:PlayTrack(path) — Plays an animation
Animations:ApplyCustomRBXAnimationIds(table) — Overrides default roblox animations
Animations:AttachAnimatedObject(path) — Animate tools easily

and 30+ more methods!



Basic Usage🔢


To see current issues/future enhancements (or to add your own), go to the issues page of the github repository.

Animations:ApplyAnimationProfile() showcase:


Changelog: v1.0.1


Changelog: v1.0.2

Changelog: v1.0.3

Changelog: v1.0.4

What’s the main idea of this module.

Basically makes playing/storing animations super easy.

I am facing a problem where animations tend to take more time if it’s played first time, even if it’s already loaded with humanoid:LoadAnimation method.

This module would solve that problem. But more generally, you’d need to use game:GetService("ContentProvider"):PreloadAsync({animationInstance}} (found here).


Changelog: v1.0.5

Big update soon

Stay posted for an awesome enhancement. You will be able to specify AnimatedObjects that go with animation ids that automatically attach/detach themselves to/from the player/rig when the animation plays/stops (+ seperate functions to do it yourself).

TLDR: Animated tools/parts auto rigging/derigging themselves to/from the player/rig when certain animations play/stop.

1 Like

This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you

If you could update this as a wally package that would be fantastic

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Hey, sorry there is no plan to do that. I strictly use studio for editing code so I’m totally unfamiliar when it comes to these things.


Changelog: v1.1.0

Big update soon It’s in beta!

You can now setup animatedObjects that can auto attach or auto detach from your rigs when specific animations play or stop.
Or just use the new methods Animations:AttachAnimatedObject()/Animations:DetachAnimatedObject()
Animated objects tutorial

Changelog: v1.2.0

Future enhancement: Animation Profiles

-- In readonly "Animations.Deps.AnimationProfiles.Zombie" module
return {
  [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = {
    jump = 0000000,
    walk = 0000000
-- In a LocalScript

-- ...

-- Turning into a Zombie...

-- Now we have zombie animations on our character!

Link here: Animation Profiles · Issue #22 · wrello/Animations · GitHub

This make animations way more easy to use

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This is nice.

Do you have a .rbxl to check out the features?


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Not at the moment. Is there a reason you’d prefer this over just looking at the API?

yes, then we can just download the file, hit play, everything is already where it needs to be and then just start enjoying your creation!


Quick Question would this work well in a FPS framework?

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That’s the goal. If there are specific features you want that aren’t currently available lmk and I might implement them.