Complex Hotels | Ranks

Complex Hotels | Ranks

You’ll find rank information here.

  • LR Ranks
1 - Hotel Guest

Hotels guests are users who just joined the group, they are non-staff members.
Anyone can receive this rank.

2 - Honored Guest

Honored guests are allied representatives, staff who resigned (MR+), or someone the founders redeem worthy of this rank. This is a non-staff member rank.
This rank can not be received by most.

3 - Hotel Trainee

This rank is given to those who pass an Interview Session, they are non-staff members.
Most can receive this rank.

4 - Housekeeping
5 - Barista
6 - Receptionist
  • MR Ranks
7 - MR in Training
8 - Supervisor
9 - Head Supervisor
10 - Management
11 - Senior Management
  • HR Ranks
12 - HR in Training
13 - Head of Staff
14 - Head of Management
15 - Hotel Overseer
GB - Group Bot
  • SHR Ranks
16 - Vice-Chairman
17 - Chairman

Sincerely, founders of Complex Hotels.
Last update: 2020-07-20T05:00:00Z

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