Complex Hotels | Discord Moderator Job Info

Complex Hotels | Discord Moderator Job Info

Note: Discord Moderator is a separate job from the group’s ranks. This job only applies to the Discord Server. You will not receive a group rank, nor any in-game admin from receiving this job.

The main purpose of this job is to give warnings, kicks, and bans to users who need it in our Discord Server. (If the user broke a rule, etc.)

You will receive access to commands like:

  • purge
  • kick
  • ban
  • warn
    – Full list can be found in #—mod-commands.

Abusing, or using these commands in an unneeded manner will lead to your being fired and possibly banned/blacklisted from the group as a whole.

Server moderators must delete rule-breaking messages. (That are not deleted by the bot.)
And stop drama from occurring in the server.

As well as change nicknames that are requested in —request-nickname. (As long as they follow the pinned message.)

As well as delete messages that are in the wrong channel, or messages that are misusing the channel in general.

Server moderators are also given the Support Team role. You answer questions and give support in tickets. As well as deleting the inappropriate tickets or the ones that are misusing the system. (While giving the valid punishment afterward.)

Please note:
If the support is related to the group, for example, they where miss-ranked. Contact the staff member that miss-ranked them. Remember to ask for proof in certain situations!

You can use -close to close the ticket. (Use it in the ticket channel that is in need of closing.)

Only one support member per ticket.

Make sure to answer as many tickets as possible, while taking time on each one to give the most appropriate answer. If you are having issues with what to do, ask a fellow support member. Or read some of the situation examples and how to handle them below.

Click Me.

If someone says that they left the group by accident then ask what their rank was. If they say an LR rank, tell them dew to you being an LR rank when you left, you must re-interview & re-train to be ranked. If they say MR+ ask a rank that’s higher then them to rank them. Must be an HR+. (The staff member you asked will check if they were an MR.)

If someone says they saw an exploiter, ask for the proof. If they have no proof, tell them they cant be banned unless they have proof. If they have proof, ask for an HR+ to pban from the game. (Give the HR+ the proof you received.)

If a person is trolling or misusing the channel, warn, mute, kick, ban. (Whatever you find fit for the current situation.)
Examples: They say, sorry just testing. (Warn them, as that’s misusing.) They start trolling like you would see in-game. (Spamming, asking for something that’s not related.) Or being rude/disrespectful.

What do I do if it’s an LR/MR/HR+ trolling in a ticket?
If it’s an LR, ask an MR+ to deal with them. If it’s an MR, ask an HR+ to deal with them. If it’s an HR+ tell one of the founders, or another HR that’s higher ranking then they are.

More soon…

There are no rank requirements to acquire this job. Only founders may hire moderators considering how important the role is. We accept moderators when “mod apps” are open. You’ll likely hear about it in announcements. This job is not related to the Roblox group, just the Discord Server.

Must be 13+ to apply.

Sincerely, founders of Complex Hotels.
Last update: 2020-07-02T05:00:00Z

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