[0.2] AI_Playground | Use AI inside Roblox Studio

Never used Github for Roblox before, but I don’t see any problem with that.

It can build ?? Like something like a door for exemple ?

what if you don’t have an OpenAI API Key?

use studio essentials

It can’t make models for you, you have to make the models and then kind of assign it


I bought the plugin, but when I tried clicking on it insidde studio nothing shows up

Have you granted the right permissions to the plugin? If you have denied the “Inject Script” permission, you may have to relaunch the plugin (simply disable and enable the plugin in the Manage Plugins tab) for it to work properly.
If that doesn’t resolve your issue, try looking for any errors that may appear when you open the plugin.

It can build really basic things, and a door may not be one of them.

The part you quoted explains how to get an OpenAI API Key if you don’t have one.

Hi there, great plugin. However for some reason I keep getting the error: HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests)

Do you have any idea what might be the cause of this?

Your API key has exceeded it’s quota, OpenAI imposes limits on how much an API key can be used.

Hi, I looked it up and it seems you are being rate limited. Try again in a few minutes/hours and that should do the trick.

It worked after i restarted studio. Thx

Thats weird cause I have only clicked it once and have never used OpenAI before

Have you tried again after your last post? If so, does the issue persist?

this is can create new objects or its just say the code?

can you make a video?

Both depends if you use Do or Ask.

He can’t do even slightly complex things, it makes errors

Hello “WHY”, this issue is caused by two factors:

  • The fact that AI is still a developping field.
  • How the plugin’s Do feature uses :loadstring to work, a function that can’t really edit scripts.

You can still use the App for experiment purposes.
Have a nice day!

that person took your idea without you knowing… :confused:

AIB v1.0 (BETA PLUGIN) AI Chat Bot

i start to working on it month ago

I don’t think he stole the idea. To be honest, when I first thought about this plugin, I was sure that someone had done it before, but surprisingly, that wasn’t the case.

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