Nudge Cell - Quickly adjust terrain cell occupancy

Nudge Cell is a plugin that is used for quickly adjusting the occupancy of terrain cells.

Activating the tool will display a box in front of the camera. This box wraps around the targeted terrain cell, and displays its current occupancy value. When the user clicks the yellow adjustment handle, a slider appears, which can be dragged to finely control the occupancy. Holding Ctrl while dragging will snap to a smaller increment.


Nudge Cell has a workflow that promotes quick adjustment of terrain geometry.

Holding down Ctrl while dragging will snap the occupancy to an increment that’s less precise, but produces more consistent values.

Fine-tuning allows interesting builds to be produced with only terrain.


Nudge Cell is available for installation from within Studio via the Toolbox:

  1. Open the Toolbox.
  2. Select the Plugins category.
  3. Search for “Nudge Cell”.
  4. Select Nudge Cell by Anaminus.
  5. Click the Install button.

It can also be installed from the website. Installing free copies of Nudge Cell should be avoided, as they will have been authored by untrusted providers. Instead, it is recommended that you compile the plugin yourself from source.


Nudge Cell requires no permissions to operate.

Source code

The source code for Nudge Cell is available on GitHub under the MIT license.

If you have an issue or feature request, you may post it in this topic, or as an issue on the repository.

Note that, while Nudge Cell is not free to install from the website, the source code will always be available for users to compile themselves.


Seems nice, although I’m not a builder this can come useful.


Wow, that’s impressive!

Nice plugin!

this is great, but it would be better if it were in #resources:community-resources (but this topic is actually fine too)

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Oh wow, this is really cool! I don’t use terrain but I bet this will be helpful to lots of people.

Also, if this is meant to be a resource for the community, I recommend moving the post to #resources:community-resources.

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This is the type of plugin that should come standard with Studio. Amazing work.


More than a decade later and you continue to save the day…


I didn’t think I’d find something like this in my life, but here it is. Great job!

Looks promising, I wonder if this tool could fix the water to land transitions (where the water bulges up).

I tried to use this to make the water to ground transitions look better, it didn’t really help with that. Cool tool though, you can make some interesting rock sculptures.

I’ve found that setting the cell adjacent to the water surface to 0.5 seems to flatten it out nicely.

Of course, rather than nudging every single one of these individually, you’d be better off writing a script that scans for such configurations of cells and set the occupancy that way.


This is incredibly useful. Is there a place we can donate or otherwise financially support such an amazing tool?


I’ll be keeping Nudge Cell free until Wednesday, at which point it will be priced at :robux:100. However, it will always be available to compile from source at no cost.



I’ve been using this nudge tool very intensely when working with smooth terrain, to satisfy my perfectionism and nudge down those 0.25 occupancy artifacts left after using grow and erode tools.
While using this plugin, I came to many occasion of when I wished this plugin was also able to visualize the terrain occupancy of certain area. Would it be possible to update the plugin to do this?

Picture reference:
These are not visible when close up, forcing me to zoom out and in constantly to spot themimage
Close up:

(Sorry for reviving the topic after quite long :frowning: