Introducing RNMU (Roblox, Nonofficial, Module, Utility)


RNMU Inserter
RNMU MainModule

Q + A:

What is RNMU ?
RNMU is an evergrowing utility (NOT INSPIRED), I made because of some of the scripting functions Roblox lacks.

What does the RNMU inserter plugin do ?
The RNMU Inserter plugin automatically inserts RNMU into scripts (or create new scripts) with ease.

Why does the RNMU inserter plugin put RNMU module straight inside of LocalScripts/ModuleScripts ?
Roblox does not allow modules to be loaded straight from the asset id on LocalScripts, (ModuleScripts sometimes,) which is why the RNMU inserter automatically updates them.
If RNMU ever updates, you should see in dev console.

Why should I use this ?
RNMU offers tons of functions I personally find useful in scripting projects, and if you think you have a good function idea or bug report feel free to leave a reply to this post!


Please be patient well I type out the whole documentation, or look through the module itself for functions.

I think it’d be useful if you added the utility to github, then we can read it without going into studio

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Right sorry I forgot that I’ll do that rq.

Edit: Done!

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I was more thinking the module in lua file format
If you can do this Rojo users will be jumping in ecstasy.

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How would I be able to do this ?

Edit: Nevermind I realized I could just save as .lua

Could you please list all the functions in the topic (as a bullet list)? It’s unattractive for potential users to have to read the source code just to see the functions.

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Sorry, this is my first time using github. I’ll work on that rn.

Edit: I cannot figure out how to do this.

This is a good attempt, but, all the functionality provided by this module already exists in luau and is fairly short. Some of the functions are:


local isStartOfString = string.find("Hello, world", "Hello,") == 1 and true or false
-- here isStartOfString will be true


local isEnd = string.find(string.reverse(str), string.reverse(sub)) == 1 and true or false
-- here isEnd will be true


local at = string.find("Hello, world!", ",") == 6 and true or false
-- here at will be true


local subStart = string.split("Hello, world!", ", ")[1] -- Hello


local splitres = string.split("Hello, world!", ", ") -- { "Hello", "world!" }  
splitres[2] -- world!

-- you can also use table.concat for the above

Although some other functions are pretty helpful

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SubStart deletes whatever is to the left, also the point of RNMU is that you don’t have to write the code and your code can be shorter. As I’ve stated above, the documentation is NOT FINISHED and I am still working on putting them all there and making it look nice.

If thats the case then replace the code I wrote for subEnd with subStart. Also I checked out other functions of the module and they seem helpful. Nice one.

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RNMU offers lot’s of different functions I haven’t listed yet, if someone is able to help me make a list on github it would be appreciated.

Thanks for the feedback, that is not the only sub functions btw

This is how you write bullet points:

- StartOf
- EndOf
- At
- SubStart

That’s not related to GitHub in any way.

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Oh, because I saw like bold text and that kind of related stuff. Idk how to do that.

Update: I finished documenting the number functions.

The document is now up-to-date with the functions,
functions that are WIP will not be listed in the
document until release,
but still usable if you look through the code,
due to name changes and entire function deletion that may break code.

Happy coding! :grinning: