Lightning Module

Hello this is my first post of a module so it wont be as great as the other lightning modules out there
i made mine simple so you can add on to it if u feel the need to

In this module you can use ether a part or an attachment for the points

The Features of The Modules Are:

  • Shape - you can change it to a cylinder or a cube shape
  • Color - you can use Color3 or ColorSequence for the color
  • ColorOffSet - this is how fast you want the color to travel through the lightning
  • ColorJuggle - it randomize the color that you assigned (idk how to explain this just see for your self)
  • Focus - since you can use a part u can ether focus it in the center of the part or spread it within the part
  • Size - well its pretty self explanatory
  • Segments - how many parts you want to use per lightning strike
  • OffSet - its the zigzag effect on the lightning
  • FadeEffect - idk how to explain this
  • AnimationSpeed - basically how long it will take for the lightning to disappear
  • FadeMovement - idk how to explain this one

Here’s a little demonstration on what it can do:
(the values will not be included i just used the values so its easier to showcase)

local Strike = require(module.path)
	"cylinder",			--Block Usage (can be set to cylinder or cube){, Color3.fromRGB(255,50,50)),, Color3.fromRGB(0,255,255)),
	},					--BlockColor (lighting color)
	3,					--ColorOffset Howfast u want the color to travel through the lightning
	false,				--ColorJuggle turn on if u want to juggle the colors of the color squence
	script.Parent,		--Start Point
	workspace.Part2,	--End Point
	false,				--Focused or Spread (will spread to the part depending on what u set it to)
	math.random(1,2),	--Size (lightning size)
	15,					--Main Segments (basically how many segments u want the lighting to have going above 600 can lag the game)
	2.5,				--OffSet (set to higher number to make more zigzag effect)
	nil,				--Fade effect (set to nil if u want the lightning to strike imidielty)
	1,					--Aniamtion Speed (basically how long it would take for the lightning to disapear)
	2.5,				--FadeMovement (set to 0 to make it fade to the middle the higher it is the more it fade's to the side)
	0					--Sparks set to nil to disable		

This is really cool! Keep up the work and keep making interesting things.


looks dope!
super cool and looks really smooth, and the customisability is awesome

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I recommend using attributes instead of values.


Looks amazing! I might use this in my games later on, great contribution!

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i think you spelled lightning wrong in the title, but besides that this is really cool! nice work

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Looks really dope, don’t under estimate yourself when u compare yourself to others we all have to start from somewhere! But other then that I really like the idea might even use it on my future projects.

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That look so cool! but it can be use it as a force lightning like star wars?


yea, id say u will just have to adjust the speed to make it look like star war’s lightning


Nice. I hope you incorporate PartCache for better performance gain as well if the module creates a lot of parts.

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This is seriously the coolest lightning module I have ever seen. However, in real life, lightning bolts and electrical arcs don’t slowly travel along the path, it’s instant. Is there a way to turn that off? i.e. have the pattern change instantly every second or so rather than new bolts slowly travelling down?

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yes u can, if you put the fade effect to nil it will strike immediately

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Ah okay thank you, I was looking for it for a while but this one is perfect! ^^
Also for end of the lighting part can be on humanoid root and attachments than part?

yea you can use a part a mesh or an attachment as the end points :smiley:


Pretty cool! It’s easier to use than the other lightning module, the main reason why i use this.
I was able to make it strike at my mouse position, took me 10 minutes to find out how, but it was worth it!

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Could you share how you did it?

I’m trying to use an attachment but it keeps saying

  17:01:29.088  Size is not a valid member of Attachment "Workspace.FadedOrder.RightHand.HandAttachment"  -  Server - ShinsLightning:58

Sorry, but that will be a really long message, i changed the entire code and how it looks on both server-side and client-side scripts
Btw, about the problem with attachments, can you send a screenshot? In discord, we dont need to spam in here i think

sorry ill look into this and update the module if i see get any thing

I updated it, it shouldn’t have that problem any more :smiley:
using parts and attachments should work now thank you for pointing it out