17+ Category for UGC item's

Recently there has been a massive purge of blood item’s due to DSA forms from people that are non european, Alot of these item’s are very cartoonish and majority comply with Roblox’s terms, however there isn’t much clarity and the consistency is not solid to the extent of blood item usage on the UGC catalog that is used, which is why I think Roblox should make a 17+ Category on the Catalog for blood item’s and Guns.
This feature would seemingly remove the factors of item takedowns to creators that do items like guns and blood type item’s in the Catalog whilst also keeping a factor to more mature audiences that are 17+ similar to how the roblox category 17+ for games is allowed.


Roblox should definitely change some of the rules to UGC accessories. A lot of game developers get away with using gore, Roblox-made assets and much more.

A game developer could very easily get away with using gambling references, guns, blood, gore, and even memes such as man face, epic face, bacon hairs, whatever. These are all banned for UGC creators apparently? Just noticed this issue after people started abusing the DSA system to take down UGC creations that comply with Roblox’ rules.

I noticed somebody else made a similar topic about guns & gore items restriction, and I gave a better explaining of what Roblox could change to their rules to make sure that UGC creators, clothing creators and developers have some sort of consistency between the stuff they’re uploading/creating:


I agree with this, it’s very loose on what can and can not be done with the system


Wouldn’t anything you buy from the 17+ catalog be wearable into a <17 space? I don’t see how this would make it legal if it’s just a loophole to get the same moderated content into the same spaces


This is a good question, I think only in 17+ games would it be allowed, in non 17+ games the items would not work. Perhaps a 13+ category too for less extensive stuff.


Or the UGC item could just not appear on users ingame for those who are underage. As for the website, they would be hidden from the catalog by those who are underage, item pages would just redirect back to the catalog, and player previews of these items would also not show them to those who are underage.


This would be a brain dead addition. Didn’t David say they want to “age up the platform”? Blood items and guns are the easy additions. There’s a lot that can be done with this.


I have concerns that this could create more avatar inconsistencies, especially on-site, which would now need to support both a <17 avatar version for <17 users who view the avatar and also a 17+ avatar. That also breaks open a can of worms on where to use each avatar thumbnail and for what users, what about if a 17+ user wants to view the <17 avatar version?

For obvious reasons, too, 17+ accessories shouldn’t be able to load in any non 17+ experience, so the number of games you could use this ‘more mature avatar’ in is limited. This means you would need to make your 17+ and <17 avatar look to your liking, while both must use the same basic accessories with one having more accessories than the other. For anyone who’s dealt with a layered clothing avatar in a game which doesn’t support it, you’ve felt this pain.