I consider myself a pretty mediocre builder on Roblox. However, today I decided I would actually take more than 10 minutes to build something. This build is a simple mid 1800’s / civil war homestead. If you have any feedback or critique, please let me know. I’m fairly proud of the build but I do know I have much to improve on.
Reference below ( Obviously I took some liberty on the design )
Looks great! Good job. Only thing I can say is, the build looks a little bit too clean. If it’s an old build, it should be a little more worn down, like in the reference image. So, I suggest trying to “polish” it up a bit more, and make it look more worn down. Overall, truly amazing, I couldn’t do that in a hundred years.
It looks great! But I could have a little more suggestions to add to this ‘medieval’ build. First you may wanna add some rocks and moss around the building it self then maybe have a pond in the field area and add a little more detail towards the building, but overall it looks good right now!