War Lab Update!
- New War Lab (Unlocks at Rebirth 8)
- Upgradeable Vehicles!
- New SR-72 Darkstar (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New Trading Hub Map
- New Vehicle Spawner UI
- New March Limited Camo Case
- Balanced All Vehicles
- Changed A-10 Warthog Bombs to be Laser Guided
- Stuka Rear Turret Has AI Now
- Player List Size Is Now Draggable
- Daily Reward Skins Can Now Be Traded
- Several Backend Changes & Improvements
- General Improvements
- Fixed issue with shield repairing not working properly sometimes
- Fixed issue with shield getting stuck at 0 health
- Fixed rare issue with camo UI not loading
- Fixed minor bug with Operations UI
- Fixed issue with Operation Blast not working
- Fixed issue with home base icon not showing sometimes
- Fixed several bugs in trading hub
- Fixed several other bugs
Gripen Log
- New JAS 39 Gripen (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New Barracuda Boat (Unlocks at Rebirth 0)
- New February Limited Camo Case
- Increased Server Size To 18
- Added Freecam to Planes
- New Missile Strike UI
- Updated Humvee Model To Support Oil Barrel & Crate Carrying
- Made Minor Modifications to the Map
- Removed RHIB, SURC, & Vietnam River Boat
- Reduced Friend Invite Self Revive to 1 Per Day
- Improved Vehicle Object Knockdown
- Several Backend Changes & Improvements
- General Improvements
- Fixed issue with grenades not working sometimes
- Fixed issue with being able to crouch lean and glitch through walls
- Fixed issue with lock on missiles sometimes not visually replicating
- Fixed rare issue with planes moving forward when spawning
- Fixed issue with helicopters not auto landing properly when jumping out of seat
- Fixed issue with being able to use F-117 Nighthawk bombs while on the ground
- Fixed issue with RC Car & Suitcase Drone not working sometimes
- Fixed several issues with the Turret UI
- Fixed several issues in the trading hub
- Fixed several other bugs
F-117 Nighthawk Log
- F-117 Nighthawk (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New Limited UGC (Unlocks with Nighthawk & Medal Account Connection)
- Slightly Increased Zumwalt Drone Lock On Range
- General Improvements
- Fixed issue with several skins not showing up to apply on vehicles
- Fixed issue with B-2 Spirit bomb hatches getting stuck open sometimes
- Fixed issue with torpedos going under ships sometimes
- Fixed issue with C-RAM targeting planes that had Stealth Mode enabled
- Fixed several issues with Zumwalt AI Drone
- Fixed issue with repair menu not opening sometimes
- Fixed several other bugs
F-22 Raptor Log
- New F-22 Raptor (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New B-2 Spirit (Unlocks from Daily Spins)
- New USS Zumwalt Gamepass Ship
- Added 3 More Gas Stations
- Added Vehicle Spawners Throughout The Map
- Increased Dock & Gas Station Repair Speed
- City & Island Runways Repair Planes Now
- City Helipads Now Repair Helicopters
- Switched To Roblox Chat System
- Daily Spin Vehicles Can Now Be Purchased Directly
- Buffed Lazar 3 APC & M1 Abrams Health
- Made Several Adjustments To New Map
- Updated Sound Effects
- General Improvements
- Fixed issue with Humvee Special Forces skin not applying
- Fixed issue with Camo UI not loading sometimes
- Fixed issue with helicopters automatic landing gear not functioning sometimes
- Fixed issue with taxi mode on helicopters causing it to keep rolling forward after player jumps out
- Fixed issue with helicopters and planes causing players to die if they jumped out while it was moving fast
- Fixed issue with operation rocketeer not working
- Fixed issue with amphibious vehicles being able to drive off map
- Fixed issue with amphibious vehicle VFX
- Fixed issue with torpedoes going too low underwater
- Fixed issue with tycoon stairs causing mobile players to auto jump
- Fixed several bugs with the metro
- Fixed several bugs on the new map
- Fixed several other bugs
New Map 2024 Log
- New Map!
- New Gas Grenade
- New Tycoon Design & Layout
- New Functional Metro Station
- New Functional Draw Bridges
- New Ship Repair Docks
- Upgraded Humvee to Uparmored Humvee
- Moved Loadouts & Gun Customization To First Floor
- Added Tycoon Waypoints (Access Through Players On Leaderboard)
- Drone Spawner Moved To Bunker
- Removed M35 Gun Truck
- Improved Tycoon Load Times
- Smoke Screen Now Disables Drone Lockon
- Adjusted Tank Scope Sensitivity For Controller
- General Backend Optimizations
- General Improvements
- Fixed issue with T-90 missile disrupter not working
- Fixed error preventing player list from loading
- Fixed issue with Stats leaderboard scrolling being cut off
- Fixed issue with missile models erroring and floating on the map
- Fixed stick drift issue with tank scopes
- Fixed several other bugs
SU-57 Log
- New Su-57 Felon (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New Su-25 Frogfoot (Unlocks from Daily Spins)
- Added Operation Unlock Bundles In Shop
- Improved Vehicle Driving Physics
- Lowered A-10 Warthog Bullet Spread
- Lowered A-10 Warthog & JU 87 Stuka Minimum Flying Speed
- Slightly Increased F-35 Max Speed
- General Improvements
- Fixed issue with semi automatic snipers being too accurate when hipfiring
- Fixed issue with BulletFX sometimes not equipping
- Fixed issue with Stats leaderboard UI getting cut off at the bottom
- Fixed issues several vehicle skin issues
- Fixed issue with shotgun bullets not registering damage sometimes
- Fixed stuttering with certain lock on missiles
- Fixed issue with lock on warning getting stuck sometimes
- Fixed minor UI issue with Gun Camo Shop
- Fixed issue with tank scopes not being centered on console
- Fixed controller reload keybind not being correct for KF-51 Panther
- Fixed several other bugs
KF-51 Panther Log
- New KF-51 Panther (Unlocks at Rebirth 6)
- Improved Mobile Gun Control Layout
- Added Drone Launcher To AbramsX
- Modified Vehicle Skins
- All Skins Can Be Applied To Vehicles Now
- Minimap Stays Visible While Using Ground Vehicles
- Right Side Menu Now Hides When Using Guns
- Buffed A-10 Warthog Damage Against Tanks
- Added UI Tooltips For Top Bar
- Increased Hipfire Spread For All Snipers
- General Improvements
- Fixed rare issue with certain skins breaking specific guns
- Fixed issue with missile model being stuck randomly on the map
- Fixed several other bugs
Raider X Log
- New Raider X Helicopter (Unlocks at Rebirth 3)
- New Server Nuke (Purchasable from Missile Silo)
- New Limited Time Pumpkin Grenade (Unlocks from Event)
- New Limited Time Halloween Gun Skin Case
- Improved Tank Scopes
- Added Tank Turret Orientation Visualizer
- Adjusted Mobile UI Positions
- Updated Top Bar UI
- Updated Operations UI
- Several Other UI Improvements
- Added Visualizer to Torpedos
- Operation Rocketeer Challenge Changed
- Gamepasses Tycoon Buttons Automatically Unlock If Owned
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with turrets being able to shoot past max rotation when zoomed in
- Fixed issue with camo index not updating in trading hub after trades were made
- Fixed several issues with amphibious vehicles
- Fixed several other bugs
New Ship Log
- New Pr. 206 Ship (Unlocks at Rebirth 3)
- New BMPT Terminator Tank (Unlocks from Daily Spins)
- New Elite Gun Skin Case
- Added Amphibious Vehicle Support
- Improved Lock On Missile Replication
- Added Cooldown To Repair Menu
- Lowered Operation Rocketeer Difficulty
- Improved Boat Turning Physics
- Buffed BTR-80 & LAV-AD
- Buffed Fairmile & USS Douglas
- Updated Sound Effects
- General Optimizations
- Fixed several issues with the repairing menu
- Fixed road collision issues with bridges
- Fixed issue with Stats showing duplicate players
- Fixed rare issue Stats data resetting
- Fixed minor issue with the lock on info
- Fixed several other bugs
F-18 Hornet Log
- New F-18 Hornet (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New Tycoon Repairing Menu
- New Statistics Tracker UI
- Updated Modern Tank Scopes
- Updated Missile Lock On UI
- Missiles No Longer Lock On Through Terrain
- Updated Leaning Animation
- Added Flares To AC-130 Gunship
- Updated AC-130 Gunship UI
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with being able to use leaning to glitch through walls
- Fixed issue with Oil Drill animations not stopping after they were broken
- Fixed visual issue with missiles reloading incorrectly if you jumped out of vehicle
- Fixed issue with F-16 not having camera zooming
- Fixed issue with players standing on plane wings causing them to break
- Fixed issue with bullet spawn position on certain helicopters
- Fixed rare issue with suitcase drone not spawning
- Fixed issue with sometimes not being able to teleport back from Trading Hub
- Fixed data loss issue with Trading Hub teleports
- Fixed several other bugs
AH-1Z Viper Log
- New AH-1Z Viper (Unlocks at Rebirth 3)
- Added Sales Tab For Trading Hub
- Added Trading Stand Highlight Effect
- Plane Propellers Can Now Break Off
- Added Health Bar To RC Car
- Buffed Boxer CRV Health
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with RC Car breaking C-RAM when being used at same time
- Fixed issue with being able to control a vehicle while using a Suitcase Drone or RC Car
- Fixed issue with C-RAM rotating turret animation getting stuck sometimes
- Fixed issue with toolbar staying hidden sometimes after hopping out of C-RAM
- Fixed issue with toolbar sometimes not showing when you finish using Suitcase Drone
- Fixed a rare error that prevented players from spawning drones
- Fixed issue with vehicle tire smoke sometimes getting stuck enabled
- Fixed issue with ships not despawning when player leaves game
- Fixed issue with being able to purchase 0 skins in trading hub
- Fixed issue with not being able to put lots of skins for sale at once
- Fixed minor UI issue with Camo Index
- Fixed several other bugs
- New LOSAT Tank (Unlocks at Rebirth 6)
- New RC Car Bomb (Unlocks at Rebirth 5)
- New Suitcase Drone (Unlocks at Rebirth 5)
- New Gun Skin Index UI
- Added Pilot Controlled Bottom Machine Gun To V-22 Osprey
- Updated & Optimized All Drone Models
- Updated Weapon Configuration For Missile Drone
- You Can Now Zoom In or Out While Using Drones
- Updated Operations UI
- Increased M3 Bradley Weapon Spawn Cost to 2
- Added Option To Trade Medals In Trading Hub
- Added Trade Overview After Completing A Trade
- Added Gun Skin Shop In Trading Hub
- Disabled Starter Case Gifting
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with Jet Ski spawning on land sometimes
- Fixed issue with Eurofighter ejection causing plane to spin around
- Fixed issue with toggling VTOL sometimes causing planes to stutter
- Fixed rare invincibility bug when ejecting from planes
- Fixed issue with tank wheels spinning too fast if your framerate is above 60
- Fixed issue with non faction members being able to disable your C-RAM
- Fixed issue with napalm bomb not dealing damage to players
- Fixed issue with turret rotation stuttering if there are multiple people in vehicle
- Fixed issue with Eurofighter showing lock on while having no ammo
- Fixed issue with being able to use F-16 bombs after the wing breaks off
- Fixed issue with patriot scope rotating faster than the turret
- Fixed issue with camo colors in trading hub inventory UI
- Fixed several minor issues in trading hub
- Fixed several issues with gun customization
- Fixed several other bugs
Osprey Log
- New V22 Osprey (Unlocks At Level 35 From Challenges)
- New Eurofighter Typhoon (Unlocks At Rebirth 7)
- New Firestorm Skin (Unlocks from Influencers Dropping Skins In Trading Hub)
- 1 New Background Music
- Added Prompt to Disable C-RAM
- Lowered Operation Sky Guardian and Aerial Ace Difficulty
- Updated Plane Afterburner Color
- Improved Barrett M82 Accuracy When Shooting While Walking
- Updated Sound Effects
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with Mi24 skin challenges not progressing
- Fixed issue with planes getting stuck in the air if you jumped out while VTOL was enabled
- Fixed issue with sometimes not being able to use gifted gun skin crates
- Fixed issue with plane lock ons visually showing after ejecting from planes
- Fixed UI issue with gun skin cases
- Fixed issue with AC-130 player highlight sometimes getting stuck
- Fixed issue with daily challenges giving the wrong amount of XP sometimes
- Fixed issue with daily spin showing error as a reward
- Fixed issue with silver and gold skin not applying to some parts on the F-16
- Fixed issue with not being able to place vehicle crates in some vehicles
- Fixed controller keybind issue with F-35
- Fixed issue with being able to teleport to full servers in trading hub
- Fixed several other bugs
Invictus Log
- New Invictus Helicopter (Unlocks At Rebirth 3)
- New Mi28 Havoc Helicopter (Replaced Mi24 Gamepass)
- 1 New Background Music
- Front Turrets For Some Helicopters Can Be Controlled By Pilot Now
- Added Laser Attachments To M17
- Mi24 Unlocks From Daily Spins Now
- Planes Left/Right Keybind Now Controls Rolling
- Added Zooming To Planes
- Improved Plane Throttle Functionality
- Added G-Force Tunnel Vision For Jets When Turning Fast
- Improved Plane Aileron Animations
- Added Camo Case Gifting
- Added Chat Message When Skins Get Purchased
- Updated Trading Hub Player Inventory UI
- General QOL Improvements To Trading Hub
- Improved Shop Gamepass Image Scaling
- Added Yoke Animation To B-29 Bomber
- Updated Sound Effects
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with gun skins sometimes not applying
- Fixed issue with F-4 Phantom bomb visualizer not being in the right spot
- Fixed issue with planes randomly shaking
- Fixed rare issue with planes getting stuck
- Fixed issue with planes going in wrong direction if wing breaks while upside down
- Fixed issue with Eurocopter Tiger rotors wobbling
- Fixed issue with plane wheels rotating when flying
- Fixed issue with T-72 cannon barrel having collision
- Fixed issue with Stuka yoke not being visible
- Fixed issue with locked code skins not showing up in the right menu
- Fixed rare issue with vehicle gates opening the wrong one after spawning vehicle
- Fixed several other bugs
F-16 + Trading Log
- New Gun Skin Trading Hub (Unlocks At Rebirth 1)
- New F-16 Falcon (Unlocks At Rebirth 7)
- Revamped Plane Physics
- New Animated Gun Skins
- 28 New Gun Skins
- New Proximity Prompt UI
- Added M17 To Gun Customization
- Updated Reward Popups
- Nerfed AH-6 Littlebird
- Buffed AbramsX Health
- Buffed All Tank Brakes
- Buffed C-RAM Damage & Accuracy
- Increased Plane Flying Max Height
- Added Plane Yoke Animations
- Lowered Operation Ironclad Difficulty
- Updated Turret UI Bullet Icon
- Updated Sound Effects
- Fixed several major bugs with plane physics
- Fixed issue with plane weapon hatches not animating
- Fixed visual issue with T-72 & T-90 cannon recoil
- Fixed issue with JLTV turret icon having wrong image
- Fixed issue with dialog not showing over NPC’s
- Fixed issue with tank coaxial turrets being able to shoot to the side
- Fixed console keybind issue when ejecting from gunship
- Fixed issue with helicopter bullets hitting itself when flying fast sideways
- Fixed issue with toggling High Quality Ambience setting not putting back correct lighting color
- Fixed issue with Vehicle Tire Marks setting not working sometimes
- Fixed issue with being able to bypass UI and send missile strikes to bases with spawn protection
- Fixed several other bugs
Patriot Log
- New Patriot Anti Air Truck (Unlocks At Rebirth 1)
- Added Napalm Bombs To F-4 Phantom
- 1 New Background Music
- Increased Plane & Helicopter Missile Damage Against Tanks
- Slightly Increased BTR-80 Health
- Slightly Lowered VCAC Damage
- General Optimizations
- Fixed visual UI issues with Daily Rewards
- Fixed rare issue with faction chat disappearing
- Fixed issue with bubble chat getting stuck in a high position
- Fixed issues with not being able to purchase some gun skins and attachments
- Fixed visual issue with VCAC missiles
- Fixed rare issue with mouse getting stuck while using turrets
- Fixed several other bugs
T-14 Armata Log
- New T-14 Armata (Unlocks At Rebirth 6)
- New BTR-80 (Daily Rewards)
- New VCAC Mephisto (Daily Rewards)
- New MP7, AK12, Saiga-12k & USP 45 (Daily Rewards)
- New OKP-7 Gun Scope (Only Compatible With Some Guns)
- New Daily Rewards
- Added Zooming To All Turrets & Ground Vehicles
- Improved Tank Turret Depression Angles When Facing Certain Directions
- Vehicles No Longer Blow Up When Falling In Water
- Removed Land Rover From The Game
- Increased Glock 19 Fire Rate
- B-29 AI Turrets Show Overheat Bar Now
- Lowered Operation Difficulties For Ships
- Adjusted FOV For Several Scopes
- Bubble Chat Appears On Top Of Vehicles Now
- Fixed issue with turret rotation speed not replicating correctly
- Fixed issue with tank scope FOV not resetting sometimes
- Fixed issue with plane UI getting stuck on screen sometimes
- Fixed issue with land mines being able to get placed on water
- Fixed rare issue with RPG & Mi24 shooting backwards
- Fixed issue with B-29 AI turrets shooting after plane has exploded
- Fixed issue with B-29 AI turrets not shooting at the AC-130
- Fixed issue with Riot Shield being able to block tank shells
- Fixed issue with players staying highlighted after exiting gunship
- Fixed issue with reviving causing players to get stuck
- Fixed issues with gun laser not working properly in the tycoon
- Fixed visual issue with the T-72’s cannon barrel
- Fixed several other bugs
Harrier Jump Jet Log
- New Harrier Jump Jet (Unlocks At Level 30 From Challenges)
- Updated Daily Challenges UI
- Tweaked Daily Challenge Difficulty
- Improved General Mobile UI Positioning
- Plane Landing Gears Dont Fold Down Automatically If Throttle Is High
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with Spitfire not showing up on plane skins UI
- Fixed issue with Spitfire not progressing for vehicle skins
- Fixed issue with some planes being able to fly with no wings
- Fixed issue with vehicle turret UI sometimes getting stuck on screen
- Fixed issue with lock on warnings not showing sometimes
- Fixed issue with C-RAM not able to get manually controlled after being repaired
- Fixed issue with not being able to repair oil extractors
- Fixed issue with guided tutorial not working for some new users
- Fixed issue with vehicle part research sound not playing
- Fixed issue with the cash collector visually showing the wrong boost amount after rebirthing
- Fixed issue with VIP Server commands UI following old UI behavior
- Fixed issue with street lights not working
- Fixed issue with vehicle steering wheel not centering after player exits vehicle
- Fixed several minor issues with vehicle spawning
- Fixed several other issues
B-29 Bomber Log
- New B-29 Bomber (Unlocks At Rebirth 7)
- New Remington ACR (Unlocks With Friend Invites)
- New Riptide Gun Skin (Unlocks With Friend Invites)
- New Friend Boosts
- C-RAM No Longer Shoots At Flares Below It
- Added Private Messaging To In Game Chat (/whisper PlayerName Message)
- Updated Sound Effects
- Updated Holo & Hybrid Scope Reticle
- Updated Cash Boost Display
- Lowered L119A2 Recoil
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with Spitfire weapons working while a wing was popped off
- Fixed issue with lock ons not working if there are multiple vehicles nearby
- Fixed issue with Holo & Hybrid reticles not being centered
- Fixed issue with M3 Bradley weapon keybinds not working on console
- Fixed issue with Drone kills not counting for daily challenges
- Fixed issue with underwater sound effect not looping
- Fixed issue with health bar turning blue sometimes
- Fixed several UI issues
- Fixed several other issues
Katyusha Log
- New Katyusha (Unlocks At Level 5 From Challenges)
- New Spitfire Plane (Unlocks At Level 20 From Challenges)
- New Easteregg Badge
- 1 New Background Music
- M35 Truck Turret No Longer Damages Passenger
- Made Daily Challenges Easier
- Updated Daily Challenge Rewards UI
- Tycoon Guide Automatically Disables When Using Vehicles
- General Optimizations
- Fixed HK416 & M4A1 camo grouping
- Fixed issue with Drone spawning being broken
- Fixed rare issue with turret reticle getting stuck on screen
- Fixed issue with UI elements not re-enabling toolbar
- Fixed issue with NVG not working on controller while using vehicles
- Fixed issue with NVG sometimes working while not having it equipped
- Fixed issue where downing a player while spawning vehicle caused you to control the vehicle remotely
- Fixed issue where planes throttle could go to a really low negative amount
- Fixed issue with Faction leaderboard sometimes not displaying the order correctly
- Fixed issue with being able to gift gamepasses to a player that already owns it
- Fixed several other issues
Dive Bomber Log
- New Stuka Dive Bomber (Unlocks At Rebirth 7)
- New HK416 Rifle (Replaced M27 IAR)
- New ACOG/RMR Gun Scope Attachment
- Added Sniper Scope Reflection Flare When Other Players Scope In
- 2X Cash & Autocollect Gamepass Automatically Get Purchased After Rebirthing
- Switching Between In Game Menus Is More Seamless Now
- Improved Missile Disrupter Replication
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with F-35 sometimes randomly losing altitude
- Fixed issue with vehicle skins getting hidden after using scope
- Fixed issue with KA-52 ejection not working on controller
- Fixed issue with KA-52 ejection not working properly with passenger seat
- Fixed issue with Oil Barrel collection prompt sometimes not showing
- Fixed issue with some T-90 skins not applying correctly
- Fixed issue with being able to revive players while in a vehicle seat
- Fixed rare issue with Javelin being able to lock on when not aiming
- Fixed issue with Oil Barrel floating on water when dropped
- Fixed issue with being able to repair planes & helicopters in gas stations
- Fixed minor issue with gamepass gifting
- Fixed several other issues
T-90 Tank Log
- New T-90 Tank (Unlocks at Rebirth 6)
- New Helicopter Skins
- Updated JLTV Gamepass
- 1 New Background Music
- Added Ejection Seats To KA-52 Helicopter
- Added Tank Cannon Recoil When Firing
- Added Shell Ejection To T-72 Tank
- Added Daily Discount To Spins
- Lowered Difficulty For Some Older Operations
- Slightly Increased Impact Grenade Damage Radius
- Slightly Increased RPG Vehicle Damage
- Lowered Micro Uzi Recoil And Slightly Buffed Damage
- Lowered VSS Vintorez Recoil
- Buffed M1911 And Scar-L Damage
- Increased UMP45 Firerate And Slightly Buffed Damage
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with being able to see gate prompt while selecting base
- Fixed issue with M17 sometimes not appearing in your inventory after rebirthing
- Fixed issue with M35 Gun Truck spawning causing vehicle gate to open
- Fixed issue with being able to equip parachutes in loadouts without owning one
- Fixed issue with helicopter and plane turret sounds getting stuck sometimes
- Fixed issue with a daily challenge description being wrong
- Fixed issue with being able to use Stingers underwater
- Fixed animation issue with F-4 Phantom elevator
- Fixed minor UI issue with vehicle skin selection
- Fixed several other issues
F-4 Phantom Log
- New F-4 Phantom Plane (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New F-35 Lightning Plane Gamepass
- New M35 Gun Truck (Unlocks at Rebirth 4)
- New Loadouts System
- Free UGC When Unlocking New Planes
- Added Plane & Helicopter Flying To Daily Challenges
- Barrett M82 Is Semi Automatic Now
- Airstrike Bullets Are Now Explosive
- Added Spin Gifting
- Removed Vietnam River Boat And SURC From Operations
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with explosion effects sometimes not showing
- Fixed issue with oil barrel getting dropped when using elevator
- Fixed issue with some snipers showing wrong fire rate in gun customization
- Fixed issue with NVG resetting graphics setting
- Fixed issue with downed players walking too fast
- Fixed issue with vehicle turret sounds playing after they get destroyed
- Fixed collision & lighting issues with the tunnels
- Fixed issue with oil barrels and crates falling through floor after vehicle despawns
- Fixed Mac-10 & M200 Intervention charging handle animation
- Fixed incorrect seat count UI info for UH-72B Lakota helicopter
- Fixed issue with Tanks not counting for ground vehicle driving time on Daily Challenges
- Fixed several other issues
Super Stallion Log
- New Super Stallion Helicopter (Unlocks at Rebirth 3)
- New Digital Blizzard Limited Gun Skin
- New NVG Model
- Added Draw Time To Grenades
- Gates Automatically Open When Spawning Vehicles
- Delorean Can Be Repaired At Gas Stations Now
- Slightly Increased LAV-AD Health
- Slightly Lowered USS Douglas Cannon Damage
- Vehicles Dont Get Stuck On Outer Bridges Anymore
- Decreased Faction XP Leveling Curve
- Factions & Challenges Rewards UI Automatically Scrolls To Next Reward
- Updated Health Bar UI
- General Optimizations
- Fixed issue with selected vehicle skin not saving
- Fixed issue with NVG effect breaking sometimes
- Fixed issue with parachute deploying sometimes having a delay
- Fixed issue with player list not showing players sometimes
- Fixed issue with USS Douglas missile count not matching models visible on ship
- Fixed issue with LAV-AD object hitbox being too big
- Fixed issue with LAV-AD rockets being inaccurate
- Fixed rare issue with Gunship not working at all
- Fixed issue with Himars rocket visualizer lagging sometimes
- Fixed specific issue causing lock warnings to get stuck
- Fixed issue with background music not working sometimes
- Fixed issue with P-51 Mustangs wing showing a trial even if it was broken off
- Fixed issue with driver seat prompt being visible to other players while there is a driver
- Fixed several other issues
Missile Ship Log
- New USS Douglas Ship (Unlocks at Rebirth 3)
- New LAV-AD Vehicle (Unlocks from Daily Spins)
- New Panther Limited Gun Skin
- Added Gewehr 43 & Kar98k To Camo Customization
- Added Cash Hologram To Oil Extractor Tycoon Buttons
- Added Automatic Player Seating For All Vehicles Spawning (With a setting to disable it)
- Ship Doors Automatically Open/Close Now
- Optimized Tank Trail Performance
- General Backend Optimizations
- Fixed issue with ship horn sound not looping
- Fixed issue with oil barrel collection prompt not showing up sometimes
- Fixed issue with C-RAM not showing up in kill feed
- Fixed issue with Mig29 losing altitude when making sharp turn
- Fixed issue with bridge collision sometimes not getting disabled when it blows up
- Fixed issue with being able to bypass turret cooldowns
- Fixed rare issue with getting stuck in gun attachments UI
- Fixed UI getting cut off on mobile devices with notches
- Fixed bug with being able to bypass Javelin reload
Ships Log
- 2 New Large Ships! (Unlocks at Rebirth 3)
- New Toxin Limited Gun Skin
- SURC and Vietnam Boat Moved To 0 Rebirths
- Improved Boat Physics
- Added Leaning When Boats Turn
- Increased ADATS Missile Damage Against Shields
- Land Mines Can Be Placed On Roads Now
- Added Gamepass Gifting Chat Notification
- Planes Default Camera Distance Improved
- Fixed issue with Tank secondary turrets rotating too quickly sometimes
- Fixed issue with being able to put broken custom colors for gun skins
- Fixed issue with oil barrels not playing placement sound when placing on vehicles
- Fixed issue with bridge collision still being there after a bridge gets knocked down
- Fixed issue with M1117 Guardian weapons shooting bullets from wrong barrel
- Fixed issue with being able to bypass flare cooldowns
- Fixed issue with lock on warning getting stuck sometimes
- Fixed rare bug with helicopter weapons breaking
- Fixed several other issues
AA Tank Log
- New ADATS Anti Air Tank
- New Limited Skulls Gun Skin
- Revamped Drone Weapons
- Turret UI icons turn gray when reloading or under cooldown
- Slightly increased Stinger damage
- Moved Twitter Codes to Settings
- Improved Gunship Mobile Controls
- C-RAM no longer takes damage while Base Shield is up
- General Memory Usage Optimizations
- Fixed Xbox plane controls
- Fixed issue with planes abruptly falling when making sharp turns
- Fixed issue with A-10 bombs replicating the wrong model
- Fixed issue with A-10 ejection seat parachute model not being in the right spot
- Fixed issue with players getting stuck in elevators sometimes
- Fixed issue with F-14 wing animation stuttering when stalling
- Fixed issue with MiG-29 ailerons not animating
- Fixed issue with plane sounds sometimes messing up
- Fixed issue with gun attachments UI breaking for some people
- Fixed issue with tank shells not dealing damage sometimes
- Fixed issue with vehicle repair UI not showing up sometimes
- Fixed issue with drones not having collision with some trees
- Fixed several other issues
A-10 Log
- New A-10 Warthog Plane
- New Plane Ejection Seats
- New Plane Skins
- New Raptor Limited Gun Skin
- Added Gamepass Gifting
- 1 New Background Music
- Improved Plane Camera When Stationary
- Increased Plane Pull Up Speed
- Increased 3rd Person Plane Camera Offset
- Added Daily Challenges Notification
- Implemented Playstation Support
- Updated Sound Effects
- Removed Camos from RPG that can’t be unlocked due to the challenge required
- Fixed issue with planes floating in the sky
- Fixed issue with lock on warning getting stuck sometimes
- Fixed several issues with Factions
- Fixed issue with CRAM locking onto Faction members vehicles
- Fixed issue with flares sometimes not getting locked onto by missiles
- Fixed issue with tycoon completion showing 100% when tycoon is not complete
- Fixed issue with duplicate daily challenges
- Fixed issue with player list icon not visible on console
- Fixed issue with vehicle crate selling not accounting for 2X Cash
- Fixed issue with plane hanger light models not being positioned correctly
- Fixed issue with duplicate players on player list
- Fixed terrain issues
- Fixed issue with some people not being able to sell their oil barrels
- Fixed several other minor issues
Planes Log
- 3 New Planes! (Unlocks at Rebirth 7)
- New Tycoon Unlocks
- New Faction Features
- New Daily Challenges
- New AWP Sniper (Unlocks from Daily Spins)
- New Intervention Sniper (Unlocks from Planes Bunker)
- New Medals Currency
- 2 New Gun Grip Attachments
- 5 New Gun Skins
- 1 New Background Music
- New Logo
- New Update Log Popup
- Automatic Sprinting For Console & Mobile When Not Holding A Weapon
- Updated SURC and Vietnam River Boat Model
- Updated Skydiving Plane Model
- Updated Medkit Model
- Updated Remington MSR UI Image
- Updated UI Placement
- Vehicle Crates Can Now Be Attached To Vehicles That Carry Oil Barrels
- Stealing Vehicle Crates Now Gets All Parts In Storage
- Improved Tank Scoping
- Improved Lock On Missile Backend
- Added Scoping To Pantsir S1
- Added M1 Garand To Gun Customization
- Added Faction Name To Player Leaderboard Info Tab
- Added Prompt Below Bunker Hatch For Opening Or Closing
- Console Circle Cursor Now Hides When Using Guns
- Removed Spooling For Stinger
- Removed Power Generator
- Minor Balancing Changes
- Optimized Sound Assets
- Updated Assets
- Fixed issue with M3 Bradley shadows
- Fixed sizing for AC-130 Gunship
- Fixed several bugs with lock on missile warnings
- Fixed issue with smokescreen not preventing some lock ons from working
- Fixed issue with being able to spam shoot guns
- Fixed issue with toolbar getting in the way of vehicle spawner
- Fixed issue with dynamic heads being visible while being zoomed in when using a helicopter
- Fixed gunship mobile controls
- Fixed WW2 Helmet placement on player
- Fixed minor issue with Dragunov SVD model
- Fixed minor issue with Operations UI
- Fixed several issues with the Gun Customization UI
- Fixed crate holding animation issues
- Fixed issue with vehicle researching not playing sound when initially purchased
- Fixed top bar button positioning
- Fixed several player list bugs
- Fixed several other minor issues
M3 Bradley Log
- New M3 Bradley Tank
- New Tank Scoping
- New Limited Glamorous Gun Skin
- Added 1 New Background Music
- Updated Ghillie Suit Texture
- Updated Camo Uniform
- Added M1911 to Gun Customization
- Missile Strike Has Cooldown Time When Loading Into Game
- Decreased Pistol Equip Time
- Minor Gun Balancing Changes
- Increased Gas Station Vehicle Repair Speed
- Tweaked Helicopter Hit Damage Sensitivity
- Increased Barrett M82 Damage Against Vehicles
- Improved Mobile Turret Controls Usability
- Improved Mobile Gun Controls
- Improved Xbox Main Menu Usability
- Improved Boat Crashing Visuals
- Lowered Smoke Screen Cooldown For All Vehicles
- Slightly Buffed Mi24 Machine Gun Damage Against Helicopter
- Added Icons Over Missile Strike and Security Camera
- Updated RHIB Model
- Lowered CRAM Manual Control Recoil
- Optimized Assets
- Fixed minor visual issue with daily spin
- Fixed issue with MAUS Tank being able to shoot through walls
- Fixed issue with vehicle spawner stats and cost not toggling correctly
- Fixed outer bridge collision
- Fixed issue with P90 default muzzle not being there
- Fixed issue with P90 muzzle attachments not being placed correctly
- Fixed scrolling frame size for gun attachments selection
- Fixed issue with gas station vehicle repair text not showing up sometimes
- Fixed issue with spawn shield getting removed when equipping armor
- Fixed issue with tycoon percentage not being correct sometimes
- Fixed several other minor bugs
MAUS Tank Log
- New MAUS Tank
- New Limited Pulse Gun Skin
- New Daily Spin Gun Skin Rewards
- Rebalanced All Gun Damages
- Updated Turret Crosshair
- Updated Daily Spin UI
- Added Home Icon Over Base
- Optimized Assets
- Lowered KRISS Vector Recoil
- Increased P90 Bullet Spread
- Fixed issue with sniper gun range targets not animating sometimes
- Fixed issue with bullets not dealing damage sometimes
- Fixed issue with being able to shoot through a gap in the owner only doors
- Fixed issue with vehicle player damage breaking toolbar sometimes
- Fixed issue with GTE Hoodie giver not working
2023 New Map Log
- New C-RAM Turret (Unlocks in Anti Air Tower)
- New Jetski
- New Training Helicopter
- New XM8 Rifle (Unlocks in Tank Bunker)
- New Limited Hydra Gun Skin
- New Carbon and Navy Vehicle Camo
- New Tycoon Layout and Models
- New Intro Music
- Improved Boat Physics
- Improved Boat Animations
- Improved Helicopter Hover Mode
- Improved Aiming Accuracy of All Turrets
- Increased Most Ground Vehicles Top Speed
- More Vehicles Can Carry Oil Barrels Now
- Gunship Spawning Allows You To Choose Custom Positions
- Revamped Turret Rotation Backend
- Major Performance Optimizations
- Updated to New Roblox Textures
- Interior Buildings Glass Can Be Destroyed Now
- Increased Pantsir S1 Lock On Range
- Increased Himars Damage Against Normal Vehicles
- Apache Gunner Turret Now Shoots Explosive Bullets
- Added Underwater Ambient Sound
- Added MP5 and G3 Rifle to Gun Customization
- Updated AA Tower Model
- Updated Vehicle Spawning UI Weapon Info
- Lots of Updated Assets
- Lowered Operation Ironclad Requirement
- Lowered Skydiving Plane Cooldown
- Slightly Lowered SPAS-12 Shotgun Fire Rate and Damage
- Slightly Lowered Impact Grenade Radius and Damage
- Slightly Lowered Javelin Range and Damage
- Slightly Lowered Stinger Damage
- Gurkha MPV Turret Has Third Person Camera Now
- Vehicle Hit Damage Now Instantly Kills Players Instead of Downing Them
- Helicopters Use Research Parts Now
- Increased Green Faction Dot Visibility Distance
- Improved General Mobile Compatibility
- Improved Private Server Fly Physics
- Added Custom Gun Skin For Influencers Only
- Fixed issue with boats spinning after jumping out of them
- Fixed issue with boat proximity prompts still showing when in a seat
- Fixed issue with boats leaning to one side
- Fixed issue with being able to chat while not having a base selected
- Fixed kill feed UI position on mobile
- Fixed issue with M1 Abrams getting stuck on collidable objects sometimes
- Fixed issue with lock on missiles not doing accurate damage sometimes