2 handed tools (HELP)

Hello, I am trying to make a wheel barrow that has both arms on both handles of the wheel barrow. I have looked all over the internet trying to find a way and I cant seem to find it. If anyone could offer any help regarding this that would be incredible.

There are two methods I can think of:

  1. Overide the default animations and create your own. The reason is the default animations tend to mess up such something like hands properly gripping a handle due to animation blending. Similar to connecting the tool using Motor6D and then animating it as one character similar to this post for animating tools and guns. I also recommend looking at this post for overriding default animations or using properties like animation weight and animation priority to play the correct animation.

  2. Use Inverse kinematics through the new IKControl or a custom made module to connect the other hand to the wheel barrow. Like what defaultio has done using the CCDIK algorithm (through my module promotion lol).

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