The issue isn’t the chances adding up to 100 anymore. Its the fact that the races being split can still create large decimals.
local function divideChance(chance, parts)
local dividedChances = {}
local remainingChance = chance
local partSize = math.floor((chance / parts) * 100 + 0.5) / 100
for i = 1, parts do
if i == parts then
table.insert(dividedChances, remainingChance)
table.insert(dividedChances, partSize)
remainingChance = remainingChance - partSize
return dividedChances
local function rollRace(plr)
local chances = deepCopy(RaceChances)
if plr and chances[] then
local currentRaceChance = chances[]
chances[] = nil
local totalRaces = 0
for _, _ in pairs(chances) do
totalRaces += 1
local dividedChances = divideChance(currentRaceChance, totalRaces)
local totalWeight = 0
for index, _ in pairs(chances) do
local adjustedChance = chances[index] + dividedChances[index]
chances[index] = adjustedChance
totalWeight = totalWeight + chances[index]
local difference = 100 - totalWeight
local remainingDifference = difference
for index, _ in pairs(chances) do
local proportion = chances[index] / totalWeight
local adjustment = math.floor(difference * proportion * 100 + 0.5) / 100
chances[index] = chances[index] + adjustment
remainingDifference = remainingDifference - adjustment
-- Distribute any remaining difference to the first race
for _, value in pairs(chances) do
chances[_] = chances[_] + remainingDifference
local total = 0
local random = math.random(1, 100)
local result = nil
for race, chance in pairs(chances) do
total += chance
if random <= total and result == nil then
result = race
if total ~= 100 then
warn("RACE CHANCES DONT ADD UP TO 100, ADDS UP TO: " .. tostring(total))
return result
The divideChance
function divides the currentRaceChance into smaller parts with at most two decimal places. The main function then redistributes these divided chances to the other races. This should ensure that the chances don’t have more than two decimal places while still adding up to 100.
returns this error
line 49 is the line right after the i,v loop starts
prob because its a table and not a dictionary. Lemme try and fix it myself.
Okay I got these SUPER promising results
but unfortunately SOMETIMES we get large decimals still.
This is what I did to fix the error btw,
local iterationNumber = 0
for index, _ in pairs(chances) do
iterationNumber += 1
local adjustedChance = chances[index] + dividedChances[iterationNumber]
chances[index] = adjustedChance
totalWeight = totalWeight + chances[index]
I will also add that the warning did not appear once saying that the total didnt add up to 100. PROGRESS!
Try this
local function round(num, decimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(decimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
local function rollRace(plr)
local chances = deepCopy(RaceChances)
if plr and chances[] then
local currentRaceChance = chances[]
chances[] = nil
local totalRaces = 0
for _, _ in pairs(chances) do
totalRaces += 1
local dividedChances = divideChance(currentRaceChance, totalRaces)
local totalWeight = 0
local iterationNumber = 0
for index, _ in pairs(chances) do
iterationNumber += 1
local adjustedChance = chances[index] + dividedChances[iterationNumber]
chances[index] = round(adjustedChance, 2)
totalWeight = totalWeight + chances[index]
local difference = 100 - totalWeight
local remainingDifference = difference
for index, _ in pairs(chances) do
local proportion = chances[index] / totalWeight
local adjustment = math.floor(difference * proportion * 100 + 0.5) / 100
chances[index] = round(chances[index] + adjustment, 2)
remainingDifference = remainingDifference - adjustment
-- Distribute any remaining difference to the first race
for _, value in pairs(chances) do
chances[_] = round(chances[_] + remainingDifference, 2)
local total = 0
local random = math.random(1, 100)
local result = nil
for race, chance in pairs(chances) do
total += chance
if random <= total and result == nil then
result = race
if total ~= 100 then
warn("RACE CHANCES DONT ADD UP TO 100, ADDS UP TO: " .. tostring(total))
return result
Works perfectly! The only time it creates a large decimal now is when its a float, I can simply round that though since its a float. Thank you so much.
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