2 Method's for a Typewriter Effect

I made something like this a while ago as a proof of concept.

This takes a string from a StringValue and types it out letter by letter in a TextLabel, making a click sound from my ui effects library each time. It pauses for a second at each line break. (If you were to use this, remove the lines that start with effects)

local wait = task.wait

local ui 		= script.Parent
local textLabel	= ui.TextLabel
local textData	= script.textData

for o in textData:gmatch(".") do
	if string.byte(o) == 10 then wait(1) end -- if there is a line break, wait
	textLabel.Text = textLabel.Text..o 

textLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
effects.tween(textLabel, {TextStrokeTransparency = 1}, "InOut", "Linear", 1)
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I see

I did say that this wasn’t meant to be as advanced:

Its alright tho

For the record: If you even plan on using emojis with skin tone modifiers or translating your game into another language like Vietnamese, which has multiple characters in a single grapheme, do not use the second method with string.sub. It does not handle the accents or skin tone of emojis correctly, as shown in this demo file (40.7 KB).

Allow me to introduce myself :man_bowing:

local typewriter = {};
typewriter.__index = typewriter;

local heartbeat = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat;
local template = script.Template;

function typewriter.new(container)
	local self = setmetatable({
		container = container,
		typewriting = nil,
		interval = 0.2,
		_labels = {},
	}, typewriter);
	return self;

function typewriter:typewrite(text)
	if (self.typewriting) then
	for _,l in ipairs(self._labels) do
	local dummy = template:Clone();
	dummy.Text = "";
	dummy.Parent = self.container;
	local function getScale(text)
		dummy.Text = text;
		local bounds = dummy.TextBounds;
		dummy.Text = "";
		return bounds.X / self.container.AbsoluteSize.X, dummy.Size.Y.Scale;
	local words = text:split(" ");
	local currentWord = 1;
	local currentLetter = 1;
	local currentLine = 1;
	local elapsedXScale = 0;
	local elapsed = self.interval;
	self.typewriting = heartbeat:Connect(function(dt)
		elapsed += dt;

		if (elapsed <= self.interval) then return; end
		if (currentWord == #words and currentLetter == #words[#words] + 1) then
			self.typewriting = nil;
		if (currentLetter == #words[currentWord] + 1) then
			currentWord += 1;
			currentLetter = 0;
			local wordSizeX = getScale(words[currentWord]);
			if (elapsedXScale + wordSizeX >= 1) then
				elapsedXScale = 0;
				currentLine += 1;
				elapsedXScale += getScale(" ");
		local l = template:Clone();
		l.Text = words[currentWord]:sub(currentLetter, currentLetter);
		local scaleX, scaleY = getScale(l.Text);
		l.Size = UDim2.fromScale(scaleX, scaleY);
		table.insert(self._labels, l);
		l.Parent = self.container;
		local goalPosition = UDim2.fromScale(elapsedXScale + scaleX / 2, currentLine * scaleY - scaleY / 2);
		l.Position = goalPosition + UDim2.fromScale(0, 0.1);
		l:TweenPosition(goalPosition, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, 0.25, true);
		currentLetter += 1;
		elapsedXScale += scaleX;
		elapsed = 0;

return typewriter;

In no way is this optimized or anything, this is just more of a proof-of-concept that I put together in about 40 minutes.
Module also includes checks for when to go to next line.

Didn’t implement a check to see if the word scale exceeds the container bounds though, but it’s straightforward to implement.

Future me:

  • Cache the scales of each letter so that I don’t have to update Text of a TextLabel everytime to get the size
  • When scale function is called for a word add scales of each letter and if special character then calculate it and return
  • More :sparkles: optimization :sparkles:

EDIT: Place file if anyone wants to take a look
Typewriter.rbxl (44.3 KB)


This is fantastic! I really like the way they come up when they appear, that’s seriously awesome1!!1

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Very late reply, but cool!

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I never understood the use of MaxVisibleGraphemes either. Always the random properties that are the most useful.


The second method is a way better as it allow us to made lot of different effects without doing texts duplication tricks which decrease game performances.
Thank’s for the tutorial, it is very useful.


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MaxVisibleGraphemes or string.sub()?

I’m talking about the string.sub() version ^^

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People are telling me "no, its incorrect to use string.sub()" so idk.

Nah, both are fine as long as you’re using and coding them well… at least i guess.

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