i included your part and it doesn’t start again, i even copy pasted your version and it still didn’t start again
update your wcs version to 1.0.2.
hello! just a question: what hitbox system would you recommend that would be most compatible/easy to use with WCS? I’m currently looking at HitboxClass right now but I wanted to hear your thoughts first
anything that fits you will be fine
Lit, If I ever finish my game, will make sure to credit you and the whole OSS community.
API Page released!
Any examples? like even one?.. .rbxl… or EDIT…
Yes. You start your abilities in code
Some examples would be appreciated, even if just to show what your framework really does. “Combat system framework” could mean anything from barebones cooldown handling, to a tool that lets you make new abilities without scripting.
This has been discussed before in a discord thread. Framework does not contain anything other than code abstractions - there is nothing to show. Are you asking for examples that could be done with it? If so, it’s absolutely anything. It does not limit the user in any way
If truly anything could be done with it, then I guess elaborating on the problem it solves would be helpful. I see a vague blurb of what it does, but how exactly does it handle replication, skill creation, etc? Does it do client prediction, make visual effects clean up easier, etc…
For example, I’m in the middle of making a similar (albeit more rigid) framework specifically for composing attacks with tables rather than code and allowing for client prediction + server validation. It’s useful to know the specifics of why to use something rather than an ambiguous “it’s just a framework” that doesn’t list the benefits of using said framework.
It provides useful tools for easily building complex relations between your abilities (e.g: one ability slows down the victim, but he has a speed boost and the walkspeed is getting calculated depending on both), it covers a lot of tedious stuff with replication (so you don’t have to write complex / messy code when your skill retrieves some client info), allows for easily grouping your abilities into movesets and changing them (useful for stuff like character selection, etc)
This is cool- but if I’m reading correctly there’s no built in lag compensation of any kind?
This. Don’t see why OP is beating around the bush with providing examples so much, even after many people have asked and he said he would provide them…
If you’re looking for an example of how to use the framework, I don’t think it’s necessary since the documentation is well-written but you can find an example for typescript tho GitHub - g1mmethemoney/WCS-Example
if you’re looking for a showcase the owner of the framework has created a video here for a simple ability that showcases that you can do anything using the WCS framework
ive been writing some pretty messy code built around combat systems and such for a year now, and it’s never easy, especially when your continuously adding abilities and stuff on top of the original code, making it a complete mess, where I’ve often found myself rewriting the entire system. And prior to this, I haven’t really seen any sort of open source combat system framework. So thank you for sharing this, will look into it.
Cool example, but it would benefit the owner to give some more in depth examples. It would help people better understand what exactly this framework does. Just one video of a single ability doesn’t tell me much. Though, I haven’t read through the documentation so maybe that would give some more insight.
I responded to this multiple times in discord threads and devforum. WCS is a framework
. It’s a tool that helps you achieve something you want to build. Framework does not contain anything other than code abstractions. You could build anything using WCS, but it would be hard without it. That’s the main goal. Simplifying the workflow.
Let’s draw a parallel with game frameworks, such as Knit. People don’t come and ask “what could be done with knit? can you show some examples?” because knit allows you to build any game efficently, same with WCS. You could build any combat system you want. It’s a tool that simplifies the workflow!