2021 Commission Price Guide For New Developers

Tbh this can’t be taken as a guide for pricing, not all games are similar. For example, for an obby, you wouldn’t pay a scripter 1 Million robux, and you wouldn’t pay 20k for scripting a full realistic open world game.

P. S. You also missed translators, game managers etc.


One thing which you completely disregarded in your listings is skill/experience. I will specifically speak to your Graphical Design evaluations since that is what I have the most experience in. Hiring a beginner/inexperienced artist, you could probably offer half of what you wrote (250-375 for icon, 250-500 for thumbnail, etc). For an advanced artist that has been doing it for many years (The ones that have worked on front page games), each thumbnail could be worth thousands or tens of thousands of robux in some instances. The same goes for any of the other types of services you mentioned. Releasing fixed numbers and ranges like the ones you sent here could result in beginners overpricing their work and not being hired, and advanced developers underpricing their work and being taken advantage of.

Another thing that should be taken into account for building/scripting is the size of the task. While you did split it up by asset/game, the genre and complexity of the game also has a huge effect on the value of the service. Scripting an obby isn’t hard, and would be magnitudes cheaper than scripting a shooter game, even if you’re doing the full game for both. Likewise, building an obby (Not always, just broadly) is an easier and thus cheaper task than building a city roleplay game.

The best way to decide how to price your services is to ask others in your field what they would price it. This way you get advice from people who have experience doing the same type of commissions you are looking to do, and they usually are able to give you critique so you can get help improving your work and raising the value.


I am aware of this, my assumption is that most people who use this guide aren’t extremely advanced. This is a beginner’s guide to commission pricing.

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I did performance optimization and debugging for 200 Robux. Now I feel scammed


People are saying to raise but I feel like some of these are over priced
Or maybe I’ve been getting scammed

I can only speak for building, but i completely disagree with mostly all of this.

Kinda hard to set prices.
I want to make someone script a game for me and I’m paying them 30-80 usd.
I’ve spread the word around and many agreed that this is a good price for the mini game I want someone to script for me.
Maybe, per hour? But that would be a bit weird since the scripter could litereally be lazy or something
idk man

Influencer is way to high imo. I would maybe pay 20-30k max just for someone to say stuff about my game… Also scripting systems can vary. I would keep the low end but expand the high end to like 15-20k

I think this should be more. I also think it depends on the type of genre and instruments used.

More instruments should cost more.

I think for a beginner the prices are decent though.

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I’m just going to emphasize that these are pretty reasonable prices for new developers. I’ve seen some people even do free commissions (though I wouldn’t recommend it, I would recommend just charging a little less than usual). Once you improve your work you can increase your prices.


I would immediately say no without even looking at the game

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There is so much work that goes into a large project. For a first-person shooter, the programmer needs to:

  1. Design/Program the Viewport Model
  2. Make the Weapons Functional
  3. Create a custom system for loadouts.
  4. Create a custom camera controller that allows sway and ADS
  5. Create the game loop (Time/Rewards/Winner/Losers/etc.)
  6. Program the ENTIRE UI (or in my case also design the UI and UX)
  7. Patch bugs that occur with a massive project of the sort.

This is just a handful of the things a solo developer of an FPS must tackle. Let’s just say this is done in 3 months, working 5 hours a day. (~90 * 5 = 450 hours)

Now, lets assume that this FPS is anywhere near the quality of other successful FPS games on Roblox. 35k Robux (roughly $122 USD) is criminally lowball. That’s $0.27 an hour.

These numbers can be used as extremely rough baselines, but It’s important that developers don’t follow this guide as a benchmark. It’s so important to know your worth as a developer. Please don’t settle for poor rates on games that you spend 300+ hours on.


What about

Management team like
Community Management
Team Management

Board of directors
Like come on
They need a get payed too.

How would that translate to payment/per hour?

This sounds wrong, shouldn’t it be based on the amount of soundtracks.

The prices seems very low though, how it’s supposed to pay the bills ? A first person shooter just doesn’t take one day or two to be finished.

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Again, these are generalizations for beginner developers. No beginner scripter is getting commissioned to make an FPS game lol.

still not much of a price. most simulators or tycoons are simple and people still get paid 10s of thousands of robux

I’m a script worker,I have worked on several 1000+ccu games and two 10000+ccu games,I wonder where I can find some part-time jobs,Can someone tell me

uh… maybe the talent hub? the place where you find roblox jobs? you do need discord for most of them