How do I get a list of all instance class names with a modulescript or a table?

  1. What do you want to achieve? I’m making a plugin and I want to know how do you get all class names by using a table or a module, and I’m using iGottic’s Dump module but it doesn’t show all classes, read this post for some info
  1. What is the issue? I sadly had to do it manually to get it and use table.insert() to add everything from it

  2. What solutions have you tried so far? I found this one but it doesn’t seem to use modules nor tables

I want to get a list of createable and non-createable instance class names, I tried the dump module I showed above, it only uses a table so I used table.insert() to add it but it showed everything the instance have. I want to get class name for each instance.

local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local StudioService = game:GetService("StudioService")

local AutofillHandler = require(script:WaitForChild("AutofillHandler"))

local Instances = {
    createable = require(script:WaitForChild("Dump")),

    nocreateable = {

One way to get all instance class names without sending HTTP requests is brute forcing which is really slow

You can find the whole API here
You can get the studio version here

HTTPGET the version, then use the version to get the api
Then JSON decode it, and filter everything that isn’t MemoryCategory == “Instances”

example of what it returns


How do you find MemoryCategory == "Instances"?

and thanks for the api which helps me :slight_smile:

I saw you linked my post. I can provide a module that already has the pre-dumped information from Roblox. Hope this helps!

API.rbxm (167.9 KB)

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I will be using this topic because I will be making a deprecation checker plugin soon, as people usually don’t know which items are deprecated

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