When A raycast hits something. I want to be able to tell what position it hit at

I want to be able to tell if when A raycast fires and hits an object, I want to be able to tell where it hit in vector3

For example
A raycast fires.
It hits an object the position where the ray touched the part is vector3

Basically I just need to tell where it touches. Like kind of like mouse.hit.p

A raycast can tell you where it hit (I think if you use workspace:Raycast()), like this:

local result = workspace:Raycast(position, direction, RaycastParams) -- raycast

if result then -- if the ray intersected something
    print(result.Position) -- intersected point

If you want to get the Intersected face, you would add the Normal Vector:

print(result.Position + result.Normal)

very simple. we can simply use the position value:

local raycast = workspace:Raycast(script.Parent.Position,script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector * 10)
if raycast then
	workspace.point.Position = raycast.Position

position is intersected point between ray for elaboration or just intersected point in this case

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