How can I fix this wheel spinning script?

Pretty much what I want is for the wheels to be spinning when the car is moving and the wheels to stop spinning when the car stops moving. The problem has something to do with line 4 I think I just wrote the spinning part wrong but I cannot think on how to fix it. Heres the script

local function CarMoving(wheel)
	while true do 
		print("spinning wheels")
		wheel.Orientation = wheel.Orientation +, 0, 0)
		if script.Parent.CarMoving.Value == false then 
		elseif script.Parent.CarMoving.Value == true then 

for i, wheel in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do 
	if wheel:IsA("BasePart") then 
		if script.Parent.CarMoving.Value == true then 

Wheels spinning gets printed every time car is moving then stops when car isn’t moving.

You need to use C0, not Orientation.

I’m pretty sure C0 only applies to Motor6Ds, not with BaseParts

Yes, it should be welded with a Weld. Motor6D is not meant for C0 to be updated every frame or consistently.

I’m unsure what C0 is how can I implement it into my script?

It’s a property of a Weld. Is your wheel welded to your car?

yes the wheel has a weld constraint to the floor of the car

No, you can’t use WeldConstraint because it doesn’t have C0. You need to replace it with a Weld object, which requires manually setting the C0 and C1 properties.

Change C1 on your weld to position the wheel.

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will this make the wheel spin so I wouldn’t need my script? The wheel has can collide off and so does the whole car would this affect anything? Also the car moves using a tween since it’s not a drivable car.

Well, the wheel needs to be unanchored. It will still require a script.

Alternatively, you could use a hinge constraint to spin the wheel (which is easier to set up), but exploiters could just delete it if the network owner is set to them.

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yeah the wheels are unanchored and do I just adjust my old script? I’m unsure how to script anything to do with this C0

Hey man this is what I’ve come up with

local function CarMoving(wheel)
	while true do 
		print("spinning wheels")
		wheel.Weld.C0 = wheel.Weld.C0 * CFrame.Angles(0.1, 0, 0)
		if script.Parent.CarMoving.Value == false then 
		elseif script.Parent.CarMoving.Value == true then 

for i, wheel in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do 
	if wheel:IsA("BasePart") then 
		if wheel.Name == "Wheel" then 
			if script.Parent.CarMoving.Value == true then 

No errors and print statement is running but wheels are not spinning, I did everything you said anything I messed up?

  1. For moving the wheels, you should use TweenService instead.
  2. Use the Changed event for checking the BoolValue instead of a while loop.
local tableforstoringtweens = {} -- for storing the tweens

script.Parent.CarMoving.Changed:Connect(function(newValue) -- whenever the value changes
	if newValue == true then
		for _, wheel in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do 
			if wheel:IsA("BasePart") then
				local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(wheel,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, -1), {Orientation =,0,0)}) --plays an endless tween
				table.insert(tableforstoringtweens, tween) --inserts the tween into the table for later
	elseif newValue == false then
		for i, tween in pairs(tableforstoringtweens) do --loops through the table to cancel the tweens
			table.remove(tableforstoringtweens, i) --so that we don't have extra useless tweens later on

The wheels aren’t anchored, so just use a HingeConstraint as @SubtotalAnt8185 said. If the car is resting on them then the wheels will roll when the vehicle moves on the ground.
If the vehicle isn’t Physics based then set the HingeConstraints to Motor and set the AngularVelocity based on the vehicles actual speed. You might need to fine tune it so they visually spin at the correct rpms.

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