Dictionary Keys not working

I am trying to make a for loop that cycles through information stored in a module script, checks if the index value has the key “Weight” associated with it, then if so, adds the value of its weight to a separate table. The only issue is that I am trying to exclude the value associated with “Decoration Density”, but everything I have tried is not working. I feel like this is something really straight forward that I am not seeing, I am not very experienced when it comes to using dictionaries.

Here’s the module script that contains the information:

local DecorationInfo = {
	["Decoration Density"] = 10,

	["Grass"] = {

		["Weight"] = 150


	["Flower"] = {

		["Weight"] = 3



return DecorationInfo

And here’s the script that has the for loop:

local Weights = {}
local DecorationInfo = require(script.DecorationInfo)

for Item, Entry in pairs(DecorationInfo) do
	if Item["Weight"] then
		table.insert(Weights, Item["Weight"])

Let me know if you have any questions! Any help is appreciated.

local Weights = {}
local DecorationInfo = require(script.DecorationInfo)

for Item, Entry in pairs(DecorationInfo) do
	if type(Entry) == "table" and Entry["Weight"] then	
		table.insert(Weights, Entry["Weight"])	

Wow! That did it. What was the problem in my initial code?

Well, when you’re looping you have the Item and Entry as the variables right? The Item is a string while the Entry is the actual value.

So the loop goes like this:
Item: Decoration Density, Entry: 10
Item: Grass, Entry: {Weight = 150}
Item: Flower, Entry: {Weight = 3}

As you can see, doing Item[“Weight”] wouldn’t work, because Item is a string, and you can only index tables. If Item is Grass, doing “Grass”[“Weight”] wouldn’t really make sense, while doing {Weight = 150}[“Weight”] would get you the value of 150. Hope this helps.

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