Nametag not cloning to players head

I made a nametag but it seem to not get cloned into players head


I also tried using youtube and the toolbox but they all have the same problem, I dont know if roblox changed how this work or its a bug

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local OverheadGui = Rep.NameTag

		local newOverheadGui = OverheadGui:Clone()
		newOverheadGui.Parent = char:FindFirstChild("Head")
		local DN = newOverheadGui.Display
		local UN = newOverheadGui.Username
		local Rank = newOverheadGui.Rank			

		DN.Text = plr.DisplayName
		UN.Text = "@" .. plr.Name

		local owners = {848127592}
		for i,v in pairs(owners) do
			if v == plr.UserId then
				Rank.Text = "Owner"
				Rank.TextColor3 =, 0.415686, 0.286275)

let me know if I mssed anything important because this is how I always ued to do it, thank you for the help

Try adding print() statements and see which one prints

Might also be that the CharacterAdded() event isn’t running

it printed all the way down but it still dont clone it to the head

`` I see the BillboardGUI‘S Porperties?

When I last checked, isn’t the NameTag suppose to be in ServerStorage since the server is the one handling the NameTag and parenting it to the player?

ServerStorage handles server-sided stuff such as this NameTag.

No you don’t have to from what I know, unless this is created on the Client than you need fo make this a Server-Sided Script

I also tried that and its still the same

It appears you’re not setting the Adornee property of the GUI, which will prevent it from being visible. Setting newOverheadGui.Adornee to the character’s head might work.

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Its a server-sided script that is parenting it to the player. The NameTag is stored, right now, in ReplicatedStorage which handles the client stuff. The NameTag should be in ServerStorage since its being parented to the player from the server. Otherwise its exploitable. Im not too sure if thats not the case?

It’s not exploitable, but it is stealable and it takes up memory.

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First, why would someone Exploit the name tag?

Second, both Server and Client can access ReplicatedStorage, so the script doesn’t have any problem

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it still doesnt work, using ServerStorage also doesnt work, also, I opened and old file that have a nametag and its not working too, the last time I opened it it still works and it just doesnt anymore

Try using WaitForChild("Head") instead of FindFirstChild("Head"). The head might not be loaded yet when the character loaded event fires.

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Aaah. How could I forgot! Thanks for reminding me lol what is happening to me…

I don’t know why hackers would exploit it lol.

its still the same, I dont know whats happening and why its not working even thos this is almost the same script I used before

Try resetting your character after you start playtesting. Does it work?

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still not, also not any errors

Okay. Can you tell if the PlayerAdded event is actually working? The player might’ve joined before the script started, in which case you’d need to loop through all the players who are in the game and run the function. Then, connect the event to it.

can I ask how would I do that?