Is there a way to access it as if I pressed the GUI button in the script?

Is there a way to access it as if I pressed the GUI button in the script?

local E = Enum.KeyCode.E

if  humanoid.Health <= 0 then
E = true
Button.Activated:Connect(function() end --  for gui

Also use

Humanoid.Died:connect(function () end)

To check if the player dead
If you want it to check if the player clicked a button on keyboard then you can use user input service (search it if you want more details)

game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect(function (input)
if input.KeyCode == enum.KeyCode.E then

What I want is to press the E button with a script.



local E = Enum.KeyCode.E


Is this right?

what exactly are u trying to do when the player dies im confused

I’m gonna blow up the car. A humanoid is a device that shows the physical strength of a car.