Are there any performance advantage in using module scripts over normal scripts?

As in topic, what makes module scripts better than normal scripts ?


“No such thing as a Stupid Question”
This is a stupid question.

ModuleScripts allows you to Store Code, and to help keep you Organized when working on Projects.
Thats Literally one of the Main Reasons they exist.

Even if there was a performance difference, it would be so insignificant that you wont even notice, nor will it even effect you

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ModuleScripts don’t improve preformance, but they allow you to be much more preformant with your code. This is in the form of reducing the amount of memory used, as well as how many threads are active. This is caused by simply being able to be more efficient with how you create things.

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Yes. You can use them to store data such as functions and dictionaries (tables that contain tables), which can help you be more efficient with your code and not repeat yourself.

For example, if you want to set a function to kill the player when they touch a part on many different parts, instead of declaring the function on every single one of them, you can just declare the function on a ModuleScript and then do something like this:

local myModule = require(game.ServerScriptService.MyModule)

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not really better in performance by itself, but it makes your scripts more easy to read. and its easier to make big things in a single script wich is in its place better for performance. not to mention it saves u head ace from scrolling to find certain things. you can use modules to sort off group ur functions.

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