Does anyone know how I could be able to create a system where the tool follows the movement of a player.
Ex: Stick in my left hand goes left when I look left the stick in my left hand moves right when I move right
Does anyone know how I could be able to create a system where the tool follows the movement of a player.
Ex: Stick in my left hand goes left when I look left the stick in my left hand moves right when I move right
We cannot create whole systems for you. If you need help with a error in your code, you can send it and we could be able to debug and fix it.
If you have scripting knowledge, you can use raycasting to see if the ray that the camera is shooting is looking directly at the hand of the player and swap a weld or whatever to the hand its looking at.
So the only way to do it is to make it follow the camera angle right? I have that part but I have no clue if it’s possible to do it with a players movement
I’d I you recommend any good tutorials out there on this?