GUI not disabling

So “starter.Enabled = false” – That is the script that doesn’t work
“local starter = game:GetService(“StarterGui”):WaitForChild(“ScreenGui”)” – That is the issue
I am sure this is an easy fix but I’m just dumb.

local starter = game:GetService(“StarterGui”):WaitForChild(“ScreenGui”) – Issue with this
local button = script.Parent – Works

button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() – Works
if button == button then – Works
print(“yes”) – works
starter.Enabled = false – Doesn’t work

You need to disable the GUI inside the LocalPlayers PlayerGui

local GUI = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
local button = script.Parent

GUI.Enabled = false 

I got an error saying " PlayerGui is not a valid member of Players “Players”

It errors probably because the script runs before the Player fully loads into the game, add a task.wait(3) at the beginning of the script.

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Odd. I put in print statements and I still get the same error. "PayerGui is not a valid member of Players “Players”

Oh sorry my mistake forgot to put LocalPlayer after game:GetService(“Players”) in the Script, i edited the script for you it should work now.


Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it

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