How would I stop this function when the "cB" is activated?

So I have some code, and it has a button know as “CB”.
Anyhow when this button is activated I need it to stop the purchasef Function.
How would I do this?

local function purchasef(item) -- when the CB is pressed, we need to stop this function! 
	-- item folder
	local ItemFolder = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('Characters'):FindFirstChild(item)
	-- folders item
	local price = ItemFolder.Price
	local owned = ItemFolder.Owned
	local purchaseFrame = frame.Purchase
	if owned.Value == 0 then -- not owned
		local p = false
		purchaseFrame.Visible = true
		local cB = purchaseFrame.cancel
		local pB = purchaseFrame.purchase
		local text = purchaseFrame.Text
		text.Text = 'WOULD YOU LIKE TO PURCHASE '..item..' FOR $'..price.Value
			if p == false then
				print('Purchasing an item')
		cB.Activated:Connect(function() -- this is the CB. I need to stop the function here
			p = true
	else -- owned

If you have a question feel free to ask

local function purchasef(item) -- when the CB is pressed, we need to stop this function! 
	-- item folder
	local ItemFolder = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('Characters'):FindFirstChild(item)
	-- folders item
	local price = ItemFolder.Price
	local owned = ItemFolder.Owned
	local purchaseFrame = frame.Purchase
	if owned.Value == 0 then -- not owned
		local p = false
		purchaseFrame.Visible = true
		local cB = purchaseFrame.cancel
		local pB = purchaseFrame.purchase
		local text = purchaseFrame.Text
		text.Text = 'WOULD YOU LIKE TO PURCHASE '..item..' FOR $'..price.Value
			if p == false then
				print('Purchasing an item')
		cB.Activated:Connect(function() -- this is the CB. I need to stop the function here
			p = true
	else -- owned

A return statement terminates the function from running, so you could just do that

It stops the whole function including the purchaseF function?

no it would not stop the function

I’m not 100% certain what your goal is, but if what i’m thinking is right, then what you would do would be something like this:

local function purchasef(item) -- when the CB is pressed, we need to stop this function! 
	-- item folder
	local ItemFolder = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('Characters'):FindFirstChild(item)
	-- folders item
	local price = ItemFolder.Price
	local owned = ItemFolder.Owned
	local purchaseFrame = frame.Purchase
	if owned.Value == 0 then -- not owned
		local p = false
		purchaseFrame.Visible = true
		local cB = purchaseFrame.cancel
		local pB = purchaseFrame.purchase
		local text = purchaseFrame.Text
		text.Text = 'WOULD YOU LIKE TO PURCHASE '..item..' FOR $'..price.Value
        local Connection

		Connection = pB.Activated:Connect(function()
			if p == false then
				print('Purchasing an item')
		cB.Activated:Connect(function() -- this is the CB. I need to stop the function here
			p = true
			-- Add code to undo/update the frames
	else -- owned

If this isn’t what you’re looking for can you tell what you are trying to achieve by stopping the function, because there is probably an alternative.

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