Tween won't work

I want to make a car model spin slowly as if it’s drifting in a void. The model’s primary part is called “Primary” and all the parts in the model are welded together. All parts unanchored except the Primary part. The tween below, however, still won’t work.

TS:Create(map.FloatingCar.Primary,, {CFrame = map.FloatingCar.Primary.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(360, 90, 180)})

Is there a way to fix this?

Is it working like not at all, did you play the Tween Track?

Based on the code you provided, it seems like you haven’t played the tween.
This is how your code is fixed:

local Tween = TS:Create(map.FloatingCar.Primary,, {CFrame = map.FloatingCar.Primary.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(360, 90, 180)})
--Whatever here you want.
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I am such an idiot- Thank you!


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