Train shaking when mooving

Hi everyone,

  1. I want that, when i moove forward or backward, the train don’t shake like in the video.

  2. The train keep shaking and bumping when mooving.

  3. I tried to use springs but it doesn’t look like it’s changing anything.

Rails are mesh parts. (3)
All parts of my train is non-collidable and massless.

What can i do to improve the fact that my train is shaking ?

Sorry for bad vocabulary.

Thank you.


Maybe try to set the rails CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition?

How you train works? is just a four wheels?

Try making the wheels more heavy, adding it more density (you dont need to script, just go to the propierties tab of the part and in Part section, enable CustomPhysicalProperties)


Okay, i’ll try that today.

Thank you for answering !

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